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发布日期:2021-07-21   阅读次数:













14. Zhang G, Cui X, Niu J, Ma F, Li P* (2021) Visible light regulates anthocyanin synthesis via malate dehydrogenases and the ethylene signaling pathway in plum ( Prunus salicina  L.). Physiologia Plantarum, 172, 1739-1749

13. Wang Y, Yauk Y-K, Zhao Q, Hamiaux C, Xiao Z, Gunaseelan K, Zhang L, Tomes S, López-Girona E, Cooney J, Li H, Chagné D, Ma F, Li P*, Atkinson RG (2020) Biosynthesis of the dihydrochalcone sweetener trilobatin requires phloretin glycosyltransferase 2. Plant Physiology, 184, 738-752

12. Wang J, Yang R, Xiao Z, Xu Q, Li P*, Ma F (2020) Dihydrochalcones in  Malus  inhibit bacterial growth by reducing cell membrane integrity. Food & Function, 11, 6517-6527

11. Xiao Z, Wang Y, Wang J, Xu Q, Li P*, Ma F (2019) Structure-antioxidant capacity relationship of dihydrochalcone compounds in  Malus . Food Chemistry, 275, 354-360

10. Xiao Z, Zhang Y, Chen X, Wang Y, Chen W, Xu Q, Li P*, Ma F (2017) Extraction, identification, and antioxidant and anticancer tests of seven dihydrochalcones from  Malus  'Red Splendor' fruit. Food Chemistry, 231, 34-331

9. Zhang M, Zhang G, You Y, Yang C*, Li P*, Ma F (2016) Effects of relative air humidity on the phenolic compounds contents and coloration in the 'Fuji' apple ( Malus domestica  Borkh.) peel. Scientia Horticulturae, 201, 18-23

8. Zhang J, Niu J, Duan Y, Zhang M, Liu J, Li P*, Ma F (2015) Photoprotection mechanism in the ‘Fuji’ apple peel at different levels of photooxidative sunburn. Physiologia Plantarum, 154, 54-65

7. Bi X, Zhang J, Chen C, Zhang D, Li P*, Ma, F (2014) Anthocyanin contributes more to hydrogen peroxide scavenging than other phenolics in apple peel. Food Chemistry, 152, 205-209

6. Zhang J, Chen C, Zhang D, Li H, Li P*, Ma, F (2014) Reactive oxygen species produced via plasma membrane NADPH oxidase regulate anthocyanin synthesis in apple peel. Planta, 240, 1023-1035

5. Li P, Zhang Y, Einhorn TC, Cheng L (2014) Comparison of phenolic metabolism and primary metabolism between green 'Anjou' pear and its bud mutation, red 'Anjou'. Physiologia Plantarum, 150, 339-354

4. Li P, Ma F, Cheng L (2013) Primary and secondary metabolism in the sun-exposed peel and the shaded peel of apple fruit. Physiologia Plantarum, 148, 9-24

3. Chen C, Li H, Zhang D, Li P*, Ma F (2013) The role of anthocyanin in photoprotection and its relationship between the xanthophyll cycle and the antioxidant system in apple peel depends on light conditions. Physiologia Plantarum, 149, 354-366

2. Chen C, Zhang D, Li P*, Ma F (2012) Partitioning of absorbed light energy differed between the sun-exposed side and the shaded side of apple fruits under high light conditions. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 60, 12-17

1. Chen C, Zhang D, Wang Y, Li P*, Ma F (2012) Effects of fruit bagging on the contents of phenolic compounds in the peel and flesh of ‘Golden Delicious’, ‘Red Delicious’, and ‘Royal Gala’ apples. Scientia Horticulturae, 142, 68-73


通讯地址:陕西杨凌邰城路3号 西北农林科技大学园艺院


E-mail: Lipm@nwsuaf.edu.cn