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发布日期:2021-08-13   阅读次数:




2004.08-2009.05,Purdue University,园艺学专业,博士。












(1) 陕西省重点研发计划项目“设施番茄优质耐热新品种选育与配套栽培技术改良”(2020-2022)

(2) 国家自然科学基金面上项目“剪接因子ROA1调控植物低温胁迫应答的机制分析”(2017-2020)

(3) 西北农林科技大学引进人才科研启动费项目“利用基因组学辅助选育番茄抗逆新品种”(2016-2020)

(4) 陕西省第九批“百人计划”—青年百人计划项目(2017)

(5) 赛诺菲—上海生科院优秀青年人才奖励基金(2015)


Zhan, X.; Lu, Y.; Zhu, J.-K.*; and Botella, J.R.* (2021). Genome editing for plant research and crop improvement. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 63, 3-33. (IF 7.061)

Wang, Q.#; Xu, X.#; Cao, X.; Hu, T.; Xia, D.; Zhu, J.*; Zhan, X* (2021). Identification, Classification, and Expression Analysis of the  Triacylglycerol Lipase  ( TGL ) Gene Family Related to Abiotic Stresses in Tomato, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 33(3): 1387. (IF 5.923)

Hu, T.#; Wang, S.#; Wang, Q.; Xu, X.; Wang, Q.; Zhan, X* (2021). A tomato dynein light chain gene  SlLC6D  is a negative regulator of chilling stress. , Plant Science, 303: 110753. (IF 4.729)

黄兴发; 尹跃; 赵建华; 姚佳依; 秦小雅; 汪淑芬; 曹有龙; 战祥强 (2021). 黑果枸杞基因组SSR标记开发及遗传多样性分析, 西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版), 49(1):126-135.

Hu, T.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Q.; Dang, N.; Wang, L.; Liu, C.; Zhu, J.*; Zhan, X.* (2019). The tomato 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase gene  SlF3HL  is critical for chilling stress tolerance, Horticulture Research, 6: 45. (IF 5.404)

Zhan, X.#, Yang, L.#, Wang, D., Zhu, J.K., and Lang, Z.* (2016).  De novo  assembly and analysis of the transcriptome of  Ocimum  americanum  var. pilosum under cold stress. BMC Genomics 17, 209. (IF 3.867)

Zhan, X.#, Zhu, J.-K., and Lang, Z.* (2015). Preview: Increasing freezing tolerance: kinase regulation of ICE1. Developmental Cell 32, 257-258. (IF 9.708)

Zhan, X.*#, Qian, B., Cao, F., Wu, W., Yang, L., Guan, Q., Gu, X., Wang, P., Okusolubo, T.A., Dunn, S.L., Zhu, J.-K., and Zhu, J.* (2015). An Arabidopsis PWI and RRM motif-containing protein is critical for pre-mRNA splicing and ABA responses. Nature communications 6, 8139. (IF 11.47)

Zhan, X.#; Wang, B.#; Li, H., Liu, R., Kalia, R.K., Zhu, J.-K.*, and Chinnusamy, V.* (2012). Arabidopsis proline-rich protein important for development and abiotic stress tolerance is involved in microRNA biogenesis. Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences of the United States of America 109, 18198-18203. (IF 9.674)

Gao, Z.#; Liu, H.#; Daxinger, L.#; Pontes, O.#; He, X.; Qian, W.; Lin, H.; Xie, M.; Lorkovic, Z.J.; Zhang, S.; Miki, D.; Zhan, X.; Pontier, D.; Lagrange, T.; Jin, H.; Matzke, A. J. M.; Matzke, M.; Pikaard, C.S.; Zhu, J.-K.* (2010). An RNA polymerase II- and AGO4-associated protein acts in RNA-directed DNA methylation, Nature, 465(7294):106-U118.

贾洪涛?;高文;刘京贞;战祥强 (2002). 盐胁迫下Na+、K+和Cl-对碱蓬和玉米生理特性效应的比较研究, 临沂师范学院学报, 24(3):46-49.


Email:  zhanxq77@nwsuaf.edu.cn