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发布日期:2021-08-13   阅读次数:











国家青年人才项目启动经费 2018-2020,主持





Tian, S., Ge, J. , Ai, G., Jiang, J., Liu, Q., Chen, X., Liu, M., Yang, J., Zhang, X., and Yuan, L. (2021). A 2.09Mb fragment translocation on chromosome 6 causes abnormality during meiosis and leads to seedless watermelon. Horticulture Research.

Tian, S., Jiang, J., Xu, G.Q., Wang, T., Liu, Q., Chen, X., Liu, M., and Yuan, L. (2021). Genome wide analysis of kinesin gene family in Citrullus lanatus reveals an essential role in early fruit development. BMC Plant Biol 21, 210.

Wang, J., Guo, X., Xiao, Q., Zhu, J., Cheung, A.Y., Yuan, L.#, Vierling, E. #, and Xu, S#. (2020). Auxin efflux controls orderly nucellar degeneration and expansion of the female gametophyte in Arabidopsis. New Phytol. (#co-corresponding author)

Liu Z., Yuan L., Song X., Yu X., Sundaresan V. (2017). AHP2, AHP3, and AHP5 act downstream of CKI1 in Arabidopsis female gametophyte development. J Exp Bot 68, 3365-3373.

Yuan, L., Liu, Z., Song, X., Johnson, C., Yu, X., and Sundaresan, V. (2016). The CKI1 Histidine Kinase Specifies the Female Gametic Precursor of the Endosperm. Dev. Cell 37, 34-46.

Yuan, L., and Sundaresan, V. (2015). Spore Formation in Plants: Sporocyteless and More. Cell Res. 25, 7–8.

Li, X.-R.*, Li, H.-J.*, Yuan, L.*, Liu, M., Shi, D.-Q., Liu, J., and Yang, W.-C. (2014). Arabidopsis DAYU/ABERRANT PEROXISOME MORPHOLOGY9 Is a Key Regulator of Peroxisome Biogenesis and Plays Critical Roles during Pollen Maturation and Germination in Planta. Plant Cell 26, 619–635. (*Co-first author)

Yuan, L., Yang, X., Auman, D., and Makaroff, C.A. (2014). Expression of Epitope-Tagged SYN3 Cohesin Proteins Can Disrupt Meiosis in Arabidopsis. J. Genet. Genomics 41, 153–164.

Yuan, L., Yang, X., Ellis, J.L., Fisher, N.M., and Makaroff, C.A. (2012). The Arabidopsis SYN3 cohesin protein is important for early meiotic events. Plant J. 71, 147-160

Yuan, L., Yang, X., and Makaroff, C.A. (2011). Plant cohesins, common themes and unique roles. Curr. Protein Pept. Sci. 12, 93-104.

Jiang, L.*, Yuan, L.*, Xia, M., and Makaroff, C.A. (2010). Proper levels of the Arabidopsis cohesion establishment factor CTF7 are essential for embryo and megagametophyte, but not endosperm, development. Plant Physiol. 154, 820-832. (*Co-first author)

Li, N.*, Yuan, L. *, Liu, N., Shi, D., Li, X., Tang, Z., Liu, J., Sundaresan, V., and Yang, W.C. (2009). SLOW WALKER2, a NOC1/MAK21 homologue, is essential for coordinated cell cycle progression during female gametophyte development in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 151, 1486-1497. (*Co-first author)

Liu, M*., Yuan, L. *, Liu, N.Y., Shi, D.Q., Liu, J., and Yang, W.C. (2009). GAMETOPHYTIC FACTOR 1, involved in pre-mRNA splicing, is essential for megagametogenesis and embryogenesis in Arabidopsis. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 51, 261-271. (*Co-first author)



Email: lyuan@nwafu.edu.cn