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发布日期:2021-07-21   阅读次数:


西北农林科技大学,园艺学院,三级教授,博导。入选2014年度陕西省青年科技新星、中组部第十一批青年千人计划、第八批陕西省百人计划;获批国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金、主持自然科学基金面上项目、科技部重点研发计划等;荣获杨凌区三八红旗手称号。主要从事苹果抗逆分子机制及分子育种工作,以第一作者或通讯作者发表学术论文20余篇。同时,先后承担本科生“园艺植物育种学”双语教学、研究生 “果树学研究进展”等课程的教学任务,主持教改项目3项。


2013/8,美国马里兰大学,植物学,博士,导师:Jianhua Zhu




2014/6 - 至今,西北农林科技大学,园艺学院,教授

2013/8 – 2014/5, 美国马里兰大学,植物与风景园林系,博士后

2005/7 - 2008/9,安徽蚌埠学院,食品与生物工程,助教


1. 苹果现代育种技术研发与特色新种质创制 2020-2024,84万

2. 科技部重点研发项目 2019-2022,3175万

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2018-2022,60万

4. 科技部重点研发子课题 2018-2022,100万

5. 陕西省百人计划,2015-2017,50万

6. 国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金,2017-2019,130万

7. 青年千人计划项目,2015-2018,200万,苹果耐旱的分子机制研究;

8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2016-2019, 60万,秦冠苹果一个锌指蛋白(MdZFP1)在干旱胁迫下的功能分析;

9. 陕西省青年科技新星计划项目,2015-2017, 10万,苹果砧木耐旱关键小RNA的鉴定与分析;


1. Chen P, Li Z, Zhang D, Shen W, Xie Y, Zhang J, Jiang L, Li X, Shen X, Geng D, Wang L, Niu C, Bao C, Yan M, Li H, Li C, Yan Y, Zou Y, Micheletti D, Koot E, Ma F, Guan Q*. (2021) Insights into the effect of human civilization on Malus evolution and domestication. Plant Biotechnology Journal. Accepted.

2. Liu X, Zhao C, Gao Y, Wang S, Li C, Xie Y, Chen P, Wang X, Huang L, Ma F, Feng H*, Guan Q*. (2021) A multifaceted module of MdBES1-MdMYB88 in plant growth and stress tolerance. Plant Physiology. 185(4):1903-1923.

3. Zhang D, Yang K, Kan Z, Dang H, Feng S, Yang Y, Li L, Hou N, Xu L, Wang X, Malnoy M, Ma F, Hao Y*, Guan Q*. (2021) The regulatory module MdBT2–MdMYB88/MdMYB124–MdNRTs regulates nitrogen usage in Apple. Plant Physiology. 185(4):1924-1942.

4. Chen P, Yan M, Li L, He J, Zhou S, Li Z, Niu C, Bao C, Zhi F, Ma F, Guan Q*. (2020) The apple DNA-binding one zinc-finger protein MdDof54 promotes drought resistance. Horticulture Research. 7:195

5. Xie Y#, Bao C#, Chen P#, Cao F, Liu X, Geng D, Li Z, Li X, Hou N, Zhi F, Niu C, Zhou S, Zhan X, Ma F, Guan Q*. (2020) ABA homeostasis is mediated by a feedback regulation of MdMYB88 and MdMYB124. J Exp Bot. 72(2):592-607

6. Li X#, Chen P#, Xie Y, Yan Y, Wang L, Dang H, Zhang J, Xu L, Ma F, Guan Q*. (2020) Apple SERRATE negatively mediates drought resistance by regulating MdMYB88 and MdMYB124 and microRNA biogenesis. Horticulture Research. 7:98.

7. Geng D#, Shen X#, Xie Y, Yang Y, Bian R, Gao Y, Li P, Sun L, Feng H, Ma F, Guan Q*. (2020) Regulation of phenylpropanoid biosynthesis by MdMYB88 and MdMYB124 contributes to pathogen and drought resistance in apple. Horticulture Research. 7:102.

8. Zhao C#, Liu X#, He J, Xie Y, Xu Y, Ma F, Guan Q*. (2021) Apple TIME FOR COFFEE contributes to freezing tolerance by promoting unsaturation of fatty acids. Plant Science. 302:110695.

9. Geng D, Li L, Yang Y, Ma F, Guan Q*. (2020) Factors Affecting Hydraulic Conductivity and Methods to Measure in Plants. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. Accepted.

10. Niu C, Li H, Jiang L, Yan M, Li C, Geng D, Xie Y, Yan Y, Shen X, Chen P, Dong J, Ma F, Guan Q*. (2019). Genome-wide identification of drought-responsive microRNAs in two sets of Malus from interspecific hybrid progenies. Horticulture Research. 6:75.

11. Li X #, Xie Y #, Lu L, Yan M, Fang, N, Xu J, Wang L, Yan Y, Zhao T, van Nocker, S, Ma F, Liang D*, Guan Q*.  (2019). Contribution of methylation regulation of MpDREB2A promoter to drought resistance of Mauls prunifolia. Plant and Soil, 441(1), 15.

12. Geng D, Lu L, Yan M, Shen X, Jiang L, Li H, Wang L, Yan Y, Xu J, Li C, Yu J, Ma F, Guan Q*. (2019). Physiological and transcriptomic analyses of roots from Malus sieversii under drought stress. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 18(6): 1280-1294.

13. Zhai R, Wang Z, Yang C, Lin-Wang K, Espley R, Liu J, Li X, Wu Z, Li P, Guan Q, Ma F, Xu L*. (2019). PbGA2ox8 induces vascular-related anthocyanin accumulation and contributes to red stripe formation on pear fruit. Horticulture Research. 6:137.

14. Zhao XY, Qi CH, Jiang H, You CX, Guan QM, Ma FW, Li YY, Hao YJ. (2019). The MdWRKY31 transcription factor binds to the MdRAV1 promoter to meiate ABA sensitivity. Horticulture Research. 6:66.

15. Guo T, Wang N, Xue Y, Guan Q, van Nocker S, Liu C, Ma F*. (2019). Overexpression of the RNA binding protein MhYTP1 in transgenic apple enhances drought tolerance and WUE by improving ABA level under drought condition. Plant Science. 280:397-407.

16. Geng, D., Chen, P., Shen, X., Zhang, Y., Li, X., Jiang, L., Xie, Y., Niu, C., Zhang, J., Huang, X., Ma, F., Guan, Q*. (2018). MdMYB88 and MdMYB124 Enhance Drought Tolerance by Modulating Root Vessel and Cell Wall in Apple. Plant Physiology. 178(3):1296-1309.

17. Xie, Y., Chen, P., Yan, Y., Bao, C., Li, X., Wang, L., Shen, X., Li, H.; Liu, X., Niu, C., Zhu, C., Fang, N., Shao, Y., Zhao, T., Yu, J., Zhu, J., Xu, L., van Nocker, S., Ma, F., Guan, Q*. (2018). An Atypical R2R3 MYB Transcription Factor Increases Cold Hardiness by CBF-Dependent and CBF-Independent Pathways in Apple. New Phytologist. 218(1):201-218.

18. Xu, J., Zhou, S., Gong, X., Song, Y., van Nocker, S., Ma, F.*, Guan, Q*. (2018). Single-base methylome analysis reveals dynamic epigenomic differences associated with water deficit in apple. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 16(2):672-687.

19. Li, X. #, Kui, L. #, Zhang, J., Xie, Y., Wang, L., Yan, Y., Wang, N., Xu, J., Li, C., Wang, W., van Nocker, S., Dong, Y. *, Ma, F. *, and Guan, Q*. (2016). Improved hybrid de novo genome assembly of domesticated apple (Malus x domestica). Gigascience. 5(1):35.

20. Zhou, S. #, Li, M. #, Guan, Q., Liu, F., Zhang F., Chen, W., Yin, L., Qin, Y., and Ma, F*. (2015) Physiological and proteome analysis suggest critical roles for the photosynthetic system for high water-use efficiency under drought stress in Malus. Plant Science. 236:44-60.

21. Zhan X*, Qian B, Cao F, Wu W, Yang L, Guan Q, Gu X, Wang P, Okusolubo TA, Dunn SL, Zhu JK, Zhu, J*. (2015). An Arabidopsis PWI and RRM motif-containing protein is critical for pre-mRNA splicing and ABA responses. Nature Communications. 6:8139.

22. Guan, Q., Yue, X., Zeng, H., and Zhu, J*. (2014). The protein phosphatase and its interacting partner NAC019 are required for heat stress-responsive gene regulation and thermotolerance in  Arabidopsis . Plant Cell. 26(1):438-453.

23. Guan, Q., Wu, J., Yue, X., Zhang, Y., and Zhu, J*. (2013). A nuclear calcium-sensing pathway is critical for gene regulation and salt stress tolerance in  Arabidopsis . PLoS Genetics. 9(8): e1003755.

24. Guan, Q., Wu, J., Zhang, Y., Jiang, C., Liu, R., Chai, C., and Zhu, J*. (2013). A DEAD box RNA helicase is critical for pre-mRNA splicing, cold-responsive gene regulation, and cold tolerance in  Arabidopsis . Plant Cell. 25: 342-356.

25. Guan, Q., Lu, X., Zeng, H., Zhang, Y., and Zhu, J*. (2013). Heat stress induction of  miR398  triggers a regulatory loop that is critical for thermotolerance in  Arabidopsis . Plant Journal. 74: 840-851.

26. Guan, Q., Wen, C., Zeng, H., and Zhu, J*. (2013). A KH domain-containing putative RNA-binding protein is critical for heat stress-responsive gene regulation and thermotolerance in  Arabidopsis . Molecular Plant. 6: 386-395.

27. Li, W.#, Guan, Q.# (co-first author), Wang, Z.-Y., Wang, Y., and Zhu, J*. (2013). A bi-functional xyloglucan galactosyltransferase is an indispensable salt stress tolerance determinant in  Arabidopsis . Molecular Plant. 6: 1344-1354.

28. Lu, X., Guan, Q., and Zhu, J*. (2013). Downregulation of  CSD2  by a heat-inducible  miR398  is required for thermotolerance in  Arabidopsis . Plant Signaling & Behavior. 8(8). pii: e24952.

29. Jeong, S.I., Fukudome, A., Aksoy, E., Bang, W.Y., Kim, S., Guan, Q., Bahk, J.D., May, A.K., Russell, W.K., Zhu, J., Koiwa, H*. (2013). Regulation of Abiotic Stress Signaling by Arabidopsis C-terminal Domain Phosphatase-like 1 Requires Interaction with a K-homology Domain-containing Protein. PLoS ONE. 8(11):e80509.