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发布日期:2023-02-22   阅读次数:


丁毓端,女,汉族,湖北武汉人,博士。西北农林科技大学园艺学院,果树系,副教授,硕士生导师。从事果树采后衰老生理和品质调控相关生理和分子生物学研究工作。对果实采后衰老和分子生物学机理研究具有一定的技术积累和阶段成果,在基于园艺植物大规模数据,进行园艺作物转录组分析、代谢网络、蛋白相互作用网络构建以及深度学习神经网络应用方面积累了技术和经验。目前涉及猕猴桃采后软化机理、黑头病防控应用等,以及苹果果皮油腻化病害、苹果低氮逆境等机理研究内容。主持陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目等多科研项目,参与省级重点研发项目2项。“湖北省2016年优秀博士学位论文”获得者。2015以来发表SCI论文20余篇,一些研究结果在Plant Journal(2023)、Horticulture Research (2022)、Plant Physiology (2015)、Postharvest Biology and Technology (2024,2022)、Environmental and Experimental Botany (2023)、Stress Biology(2024)等刊物上发表。主要讲授《园艺产品贮藏加工》、《果蔬营养与分析》等课程。











(1)Fan, H.#, Shen, X.#, Ding Y., Li Y., Liu S., Yang Y., Ding, Y.*, Guan C*. DkWRKY transcription factors enhance persimmon resistance to  Colletotrichum horii by promoting lignin accumulation through  DkCAD1 promotor interaction. 2024. Stress Biology. 4, 17.

(2)Yang, Y.#, Ren, S., Chen, M., Li, Z., Ma, Q., Zhang, M., Li, H., Ren, X*., Ding, Y*. Identification and isolation of BZR transcription factor and screening of cell wall degradation marker genes based on machine learning in ripening kiwifruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 2024, Volume 211, May 2024, 112798 (影响因子6.4)

(3)唐钰#,杨建伟,王胜虎,王希良,郭梓彤,任小林,丁毓端*. 苹果采后预冷技术应用现状与发展建议. 西北园艺,2024(04):8-10.

(4)Wang, Y#., Ding, Y#., Zhao, Q., Wu, C., Deng, C.H., Wang, J., Wang, Y., Yan, Y., Zhai, R., Yauk, Y.-K., Ma, F*., Atkinson, R.G*. and Li, P*. Dihydrochalcone glycoside biosynthesis in Malus is regulated by two MYB-like transcription factors and is required for seed development. Plant Journal. 2023 Dec;116(5):1492-1507.(影响因子7.2)

(5)Yue, H#.; Yang, Y#.; Cha, G.; Ren, S.; Wang, J.; Shi, X.; Zhu, Q.; Li, Q.; Ren, X.; Tian, J*. Ding, Y*. Genomic Colinearity and Transcriptional Regulatory Networks of BES1 Gene Family in Horticultural Plants Particularly Kiwifruit and Peach. Horticulturae 2023, 9, 971(影响因子3.1)

(6)Zhang, J#.; Cao, Y#.; Tang, J.; He, X.; Li, M.; Li, C.; Ren, X.*; Ding, Y*. Physiology and Application of Gibberellins in Postharvest Horticultural Crops. Horticulturae 2023, 9, 625(影响因子3.1)

(7)Qi Y#, Jiang Y, Wang C, Song M, Liu Y, Liu J, Jiang Z, Yang Y, Ren X*, Ding Y*: Metabolomic and transcriptomic analysis reveal high solar irradiance inhibited the melanin formation in persimmon fruit peel. Environmental and Experimental Botany 2023, 207:105218. (影响因子5.7)

(8)Li D#, Ding Y#, Cheng L#, Zhang X, Cheng S, Ye Y, Gao Y, Qin Y, Liu Z, Li C, Ma F*, Gong X*. Target of rapamycin (TOR) regulates the response to low nitrogen stress via autophagy and hormone pathways in Malus hupehensis. Horticulture Research. 2022, uhac143. (影响因子8.7)

(9)Yang Y, Chen L, Su G, Liu F, Zeng Q, Li R, Cha G, Liu C, Xing L*, Ren X*, Ding Y*. Identification and expression analysis of the lipid phosphate phosphatases gene family reveal their involvement in abiotic stress response in kiwifruit. Front Plant Sci 2022, 13:942937. (影响因子5.6)

(10) Jiang Z#, Ding Y#, Liu J, Yin W, Qi Y, Yang Y, Ren X*. The MdFAD27 and MdFAD28 play critical roles in the development of greasiness disorder in postharvest apples. Postharvest Biology and Technology 2022, 191. (影响因子7)

(11) Yang Y#, Chen L, Wang C, Peng H, Yin W, Li R, Liu C, Ren X*, Ding Y*: Pathogenic Fungi Diversity of ‘CuiXiang’ Kiwifruit Black Spot Disease during Storage. Horticulturae 2022, 8(1):13.

(12) 陈丽娟#, 杨亚明, 戚英伟, 杜薇, 殷伟杰, 任小林, 丁毓端*.‘翠香’猕猴桃黑头病常温贮藏期间生理特性研究. 西北农业学报. 2022, 31(04):479-487.

(13) Shah K#, An N, Kamanova S, Chen L, Jia P, Zhang C, Mobeen Tahir M, Han M, Ding Y*, Ren X*, Xing, L*. Regulation of Flowering Time by Improving Leaf Health Markers and Expansion by Salicylic Acid Treatment: A New Approach to Induce Flowering in Malus domestica. Front Plant Sci 2021, 12:655974.

(14) Chang J#, Zhou Y, Qamar M, Chen LL, Ding Y*. Prediction of Protein-Protein Interactions by Evidence Combining Methods. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2016, 17(11).

(15) Ding Y#, Li H, Chen LL*, Xie KB*. Recent Advances in Genome Editing Using CRISPR/Cas9. Front Plant Sci 2016, 7:703.

(16) Ding Y#, Chang J, Ma Q, Chen L, Liu S, Jin S, Han J, Xu R, Zhu A, Guo J, Luo Y, Xu J, Xu Q, Zeng Y, Deng X, Cheng Y*. Network analysis of postharvest senescence process in citrus fruits revealed by transcriptomic and metabolomic profiling. Plant Physiology 2015, 168:357-376. (当年影响因子6.28)

(17) Ding Y#, Chang J#, Guo J, Chen D, Li S, Xu Q, Deng X, Cheng YJ*, Chen L*. Prediction and functional analysis of the sweet orange protein-protein interaction network. BMC Plant Biology 2014, 14:213.