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发布日期:2022-07-13   阅读次数:

















Chen L, Shen Y, Yang W, Pan Q, Li C, Sun Q, Zeng Q, Li B*, Zhang L* (2022) Comparative Metabolic Study of Two Contrasting Chinese Cabbage Genotypes under Mild and Severe Drought Stress. International journal of molecular sciences 23

Cibils-Stewart X*, Kliebenstein DJ, Li B, Giles K, McCornack BP, Nechols J (2022) Aphid Species and Feeding Location on Canola Influences the Impact of Glucosinolates on a Native Lady Beetle Predator. Environmental entomology 51: 52-62

Tang M#, Li B#, Zhou X, Bolt T, Li JJ, Cruz N, Gaudinier A, Ngo R, Clark-Wiest C, Kliebenstein DJ*, Brady SM* (2021) A genome-scale TF-DNA interaction network of transcriptional regulation of Arabidopsis primary and specialized metabolism. Molecular systems biology 17: e10625

Ruiz KA, Pelletier JM, Wang Y, Feng MJ, Behr JS, Ethao TQ, Li B, Kliebenstein D, Harada JJ, Jenik PD* (2021) A reevaluation of the role of the ASIL trihelix transcription factors as repressors of the seed maturation program. Plant direct 5: e345

Garrido AN, Supijono E, Boshara P, Douglas SJ, Stronghill PE, Li B, Nambara E, Kliebenstein DJ, Riggs CD* (2020) flasher, a novel mutation in a glucosinolate modifying enzyme, conditions changes in plant architecture and hormone homeostasis. The Plant journal: for cell and molecular biology 103: 1989-2006

Fernandez-Calvo P#, Inigo S#, Glauser G, Vanden Bossche R, Tang M, Li B, De Clercq R, Nagels Durand A, Eeckhout D, Gevaert K, De Jaeger G, Brady SM, Kliebenstein DJ, Pauwels L, Goossens A*, Ritter A (2020) FRS7 and FRS12 recruit NINJA to regulate expression of glucosinolate biosynthesis genes. The New phytologist 227: 1124-1137

Li B#, Tang M#, Caseys C#, Nelson A, Zhou M, Zhou X, Brady SM, Kliebenstein DJ* (2020) Epistatic Transcription Factor Networks Differentially Modulate Arabidopsis Growth and Defense.  Genetics 214: 529-541

Salehin M, Li B, Tang M, Katz E, Song L, Ecker JR, Kliebenstein DJ, Estelle M* (2019) Auxin-sensitive Aux/IAA proteins mediate drought tolerance in Arabidopsis by regulating glucosinolate levels. Nature communications 10: 4021


Li B, Tang M, Nelson A, Caligagan H, Zhou X, Clark-Wiest C, Ngo R, Brady SM, Kliebenstein DJ* (2018) Network-Guided Discovery of Extensive Epistasis between Transcription Factors Involved in Aliphatic Glucosinolate Biosynthesis.  The Plant Cell 30: 178-195

Wang JZ#, Li B#, Xiao Y#, Ni Y, Ke H, Yang P, de Souza A, Bjornson M, He X, Shen Z, Balcke GU, Briggs SP, Tissier A, Kliebenstein DJ, Dehesh K* (2017) Initiation of ER Body Formation and Indole Glucosinolate Metabolism by the Plastidial Retrograde Signaling Metabolite, MEcPP.  Mol Plant 10: 1400-1416

Jia W#, Li B#, Li S#, Liang Y, Wu X, Ma M, Wang J, Gao J, Cai Y, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Li J*, Wang Y* (2016) Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Cascade MKK7-MPK6 Plays Important Roles in Plant Development and Regulates Shoot Branching by Phosphorylating PIN1 in Arabidopsis.  PLoS biology 14: e1002550

Li B#, Zhang Y#, Mohammadi SA#, Huai D, Zhou Y, Kliebenstein DJ* (2016) An Integrative Genetic Study of Rice Metabolism, Growth and Stochastic Variation Reveals Potential C/N Partitioning Loci.  Sci Rep 6: 30143

Zhang Y#, Li B#, Huai D, Zhou Y*, Kliebenstein DJ* (2015) The conserved transcription factors, MYB115 and MYB118, control expression of the newly evolved benzoyloxy glucosinolate pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana.  Front Plant Sci 6: 343

Li B, Kliebenstein DJ* (2014) The AT-hook motif-encoding gene METABOLIC NETWORK MODULATOR 1 underlies natural variation in Arabidopsis primary metabolism.  Front Plant Sci 5: 415

Li B, Gaudinier A, Tang M, Taylor-Teeples M, Nham NT, Ghaffari C, Benson DS, Steinmann M, Gray JA, Brady SM, Kliebenstein DJ* (2014) Promoter-based integration in plant defense regulation.  Plant Physiol 166: 1803-1820


