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发布日期:2022-07-18   阅读次数:

















Sun, Y., X. Li, Z. Ma and S. Chen (2022). "QTL mapping of fruit aroma compounds in cucumber (Cucumber sativus L.) based on the recombinant inbred line (RIL) population." Horticulture Research. https://doi.org/10.1093/hr/uhac151

Xue, W., N. Liu, T. Zhang, J. Li, P. Chen, Y. Yang and S. Chen (2022). "Substance metabolism, IAA and CTK signaling pathways regulating the origin of embryogenic callus during dedifferentiation and redifferentiation of cucumber cotyledon nodes." Scientia Horticulturae 293: 110680.

Li, X., Y. Sun, Y. Yang, X. Yang, W. Xue, M. Wu, P. Chen, Y. Weng and S. Chen (2021). "Transcriptomic and histological analysis of the response of susceptible and resistant cucumber to Meloidogyne incognita infection revealing complex resistance via multiple signaling pathways." Frontiers in Plant Science: 1130.

Yang, Y., W. Xue, P. Chen, X. Yuan, X. Li, T. Zhang and S. Chen (2021). "Identification and expression analyzes of CC-type glutaredoxin in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) under abiotic stress." Scientia Horticulturae 289: 110417.

Yang, Y., X. Wang, P. Chen, K. Zhou, W. Xue, K. Abid and S. Chen (2020). "Redox status, JA and ET signaling pathway regulating responses to Botrytis cinerea infection between the resistant cucumber genotype and its susceptible mutant." Frontiers in Plant Science 11: 559070.

Yang, Y., T. Zhang, X. Wang, M. Wu, X. Li, X. Guo, Y. Fang and S. Chen (2020). "Relationship between CsLOX gene expression and C6 and C9 aldehydes during cucumber fruit storage." Postharvest Biology and Technology 161: 111085.

Li, X., Y. Sun, X. Wang, X. Dong, T. Zhang, Y. Yang and S. Chen (2019). "Relationship between key environmental factors and profiling of volatile compounds during cucumber fruit development under protected cultivation." Food chemistry 290: 308-315.

Zhang, T., X. Li, Y. Yang, X. Guo, Q. Feng, X. Dong and S. Chen (2019). "Genetic analysis and QTL mapping of fruit length and diameter in a cucumber (Cucumber sativus L.) recombinant inbred line (RIL) population." Scientia Horticulturae 250: 214-222.

Chen, S., R. Zhang, L. Hao, W. Chen and S. Cheng (2015). "Profiling of volatile compounds and associated gene expression and enzyme activity during fruit development in two cucumber cultivars." PLoS One 10(3): e0119444.

Chen, S., W. Chen, X. Shen, Y. Yang, F. Qi, Y. Liu and H. Meng (2014). "Analysis of the genetic diversity of garlic (Allium sativum L.) by simple sequence repeat and inter simple sequence repeat analysis and agro-morphological traits." Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 55: 260-267.

Chen, S., X. Shen, S. Cheng, P. Li, J. Du, Y. Chang and H. Meng (2013). "Evaluation of garlic cultivars for polyphenolic content and antioxidant properties." PloS one 8(11): e79730

Chen, S., X. Shen, S. Cheng, P. Li, J. Du, Y. Chang and H. Meng (2013). "Evaluation of garlic cultivars for polyphenolic content and antioxidant properties." PloS one 8(11): e79730.

Wan, X.H., S.X. Chen, C.Y. Wang, R.R. Zhang, S.Q. Cheng, H.W. Meng and X.Q. Shen (2013). "Isolation, expression, and characterization of a hydroperoxide lyase gene from cucumber." International Journal of Molecular Sciences 14(11): 22082-22101.

Zander M (#), Chen S(#) , Imkea J, Thurow C, Gatz C. Repression of the Arabidopsis thaliana jasmonic acid/ethylene-induced defense pathway by TGA-interacting glutaredoxins depends on their C-terminal ALWL motif, Molecular Plant, 2012, 5(4):831-840.


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Email: shuxiachen@nwsuaf.edu.cn