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发布日期:2021-08-13   阅读次数:

潘玉朋,男,山东聊城人,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。2010年获西北农林科技大学农学学士学位,2016年获西北农林科技大学蔬菜学博士学位,2013至2016年在美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校园艺系进行博士联合培养,2017至2018年在美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校进行博士后研究,2018年11月到西北农林科技大学园艺学院蔬菜科学工作,讲师;2020年10月破格晋升蔬菜科学系副教授。任Journal of Experimental Botany,Horticulture Research,Horticultural Plant Journal,Crop Science,Scientific Reports和Plos One等SCI期刊审稿人。从事瓜类种质资源利用与分子遗传育种研究,主要开展黄瓜果实大小/形状和品质等重要园艺性状的遗传调控机制解析的研究工作。



Yupeng Pan, Yuhui Wang, Cecillia McGregor, Shi Liu, Feishi Luan, Meiling Gao, Yiqun Weng*. Genetic architecture of fruit size and shape variation in cucurbits: a comparative perspective. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2020, 133: 1-21(中科院大类)

Yupeng Pan, Changlong Wen, Yonghua Han, Yuhui Wang, Yuhong Li, Sen Li, Xiaomao Cheng, Yiqun Weng*. QTL for horticulturally important traits associated with pleiotropic  andromonoecy  and  carpel number  loci, and a paracentric inversion in cucumber. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2020, 133: 2271–2290(中科院大类)

Yupeng Pan, Xinjing Liang, Meiling Gao, Huanwen Meng, Hanqiang Liu, Yiqun Weng*, Zhihui Cheng*. Round fruit shape in WI7239 cucumber is controlled by two interacting quantitative trait loci with one encoding a tomato  SUN  homolog, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2017, 130: 573-586(中科院大类)

Yupeng Pan#, Shuping Qu#, Kailiang Bo, Meiling Gao, Kristin R. Haider, Yiqun Weng*. QTL mapping of domestication and diversifying selection related traits in round-fruited semi-wild Xishuangbanna cucumber ( Cucumis sativus  L. var.  xishuangbannanesis ). Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2017, 130: 1531–1548(中科院大类)

Yupeng Pan, Kailiang Bo, Zhihui Cheng, Yiqun Weng*. The loss-offunction  GLABROUS 3  mutation in cucumber is due to LTR-retrotransposon insertion in a class IV HD-ZIP transcription factor gene  CsGL3  that is epistatic over  CsGL1 . BMC Plant Biology, 2015, 15: 302(中科院大类)

Sen Li#, Yupeng Pan#, Changlong Wen, Yuhong Li, Xiaofeng Liu, Xiaolan Zhang, Tusar K. Behera, Guoming Xing*, Yiqun Weng*. Integrated analysis in bi-parental and natural populations reveals  CsCLAVATA3  ( CsCLV3 ) underlying carpel number variations in cucumber. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2016, 129: 1007-1022 (Co-first author)(中科院大类)

Xiaxia Li#, Yupeng Pan#, Xiaofang Qi#, Siyu Zhang, Chengchen Zhi, Huanwen Meng, Zhihui Cheng*. Effects of exogenous germanium and effective microorganisms on germanium accumulation and nutritional qualities of garlic ( Allium sativum  L.). Scientia Horticulturae, 2021, 283: 110114 (Co-first author),(中科院大类2区,)

Xiaoxiao Liu#, Yupeng Pan#, Che Liu, Yuanyuan Ding, Xiao Wang, Zhihui Cheng, Huanwen Meng. Cucumber fruit size and shape variations explored from the aspects of morphology, histology, and endogenous hormones. Plants, 2020; 9(6):772 (Co-first author)


通讯地址:陕西省 杨凌示范区 邰城路3号 西北农林科技大学 园艺学院

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E-mail: yupeng.pan@nwafu.edu.cn