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发布日期:2021-08-03   阅读次数:









1. Wang H#, Niu HH#, Li C, Shen GY, Liu XF, Weng YQ, Wu T, Li Z*. 2020. WUSCHEL-related homeobox1 (WOX1) regulates vein patterning and leaf size in  Cucumis sativus .  Horticulture Research , 7: 182.

2. Li Z, Han YH, Niu HH, Wang YH, Jiang B, Weng YQ*. 2020. Gynoecy instability in cucumber ( Cucumis sativus  L.) is due to unequal crossover at the copy number variation-dependent  Femaleness  ( F ) locus.  Horticulture Research , 7: 32.

3. Feng SJ, Zhang JP, Mu ZH, Wang YJ, Wen CL, Wu T, Yu C, Li Z*, Wang HS*. 2020. Recent progress on the molecular breeding of  Cucumis sativus  L. in China. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 133: 1777-1790.

4. Li DD, Sheng YY, Niu HH, Li Z*. 2019. Gene interactions regulating sex determination in Cucurbits. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10: 1231.

5. Niu HH#, Liu XF#, Tong C, Wang H, Li S, Lu L, Pan YP, Zhang XL*, Weng YQ*, Li Z*. 2018. The  WUSCHEL-related homeobox1  gene of cucumber ( CsWOX1 ) regulates reproductive organ development.  Journal of Experimental Botany , 69: 5373-5387.

6. Tao QY#, Niu HH#, Wang ZY, Zhang WH, Wang H, Wang SH, Zhang X*, Li Z*. 2018. Ethylene responsive factor ERF110 mediates ethylene-regulated transcription of a sex determination-related orthologous gene in two  Cucumis  species.  Journal of Experimental Botany , 69: 2953-2965.

7. Hou SS#, Niu HH#, Tao QY, Wang SH, Gong ZH, Li S, Weng YQ*, Li Z*. 2017. A mutant in the  CsDET2  gene leads to a systemic brassinosteriod deficiency and super compact phenotype in cucumber ( Cucumis sativus  L.).  Theoretical and Applied Genetics , 130: 1693-1703.

8. Tan JY#, Tao QY#, Niu HH, Zhang Z, Li DD, Gong ZH, Weng YQ, Li Z*. 2015. A novel allele of  monoecious  ( m ) locus in responsible for elongated fruit shape and perfect flowers in cucumber ( Cucumis sativus  L.).  Theoretical and Applied Genetics , 128: 2483-2493.

9. Li Z#, Wang S#, Tao QY, Pan JS, Si LT, Gong ZH, Cai R*. 2012. putative positive feedback regulation mechanism in  CsACS2  expression suggests a modified model for sex determination in cucumber ( Cucumis sativus  L).  Journal of Experimental Botany , 63: 4475-4484.

10. Li Z#, Huang SW#, Liu SQ#, Pan JS, Zhang ZH, Tao QY, Shi QX, Jia ZQ, Zhang WW, Chen HM, Si LT, Zhu LH, Cai R. 2009. Molecular isolation of the  M  gene suggests that a conserved-residue conversion induces the formation of bisexual flowers in cucumber plants.  Genetics , 182: 1381-1385.


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