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发布日期:2021-08-03   阅读次数:




2014-1至现在, 西北农林科技大学, 园艺学院, 教授

2009-8至2011-1, 美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校, 访问学者

2006-1至2013-12, 西北农林科技大学, 园艺学院, 副教授

2001-1至2005-12, 西北农林科技大学, 园艺学院, 讲师

1998-7至2000-12, 西北农林科技大学, 园艺学院, 助教




1. 黄瓜种质资源遗传改良及基因组学研究: 主要农艺性状基因的克隆及功能解析;种质资源的创新及改良。

2. 设施蔬菜高效安全生产:设施蔬菜连作障碍的防治及作用机理;新稀特蔬菜、食用菌的栽培及利用。




Rahat Sharif, Peng Liu, Dianwei Wang, Zhuoshuai Jin, Ullah Uzair, VivekYadav, uhammad Mujtaba, Peng Chen,Yuhong Li*. 2021. Genome-wide characterisation and expressionanalysis of cellulose synthase genes superfamily under various environmental stresses in Cucumissativus L.  New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science ,DOI:10.1080/01140671.2021.1926291

Hui Wang, Jing Sun, Fan Yang, Yiqun Weng, Peng Chen, Shengli Du,  Aimin Wei4*, Yuhong Li*.2021. CsKTN1for a katanin p60 subunit is associated with the regulation of fruit elongation in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)  Theoretical and Applied Genetics,  1-13.

Liangliang Hu, Peng Liu, Zhuoshuai Jin, Jing Sun, Yiqun Weng, Peng Chen, Shengli Du, Aimin Wei* ,Yuhong Li*. 2021. A mutation in CsHY2 encoding a phytochromobilin (PΦB) synthase leads to an elongated hypocotyl 1(elh1) phenotype in cucumber ( Cucumis sativus  L.).  Theoretical and Applied Genetics,  https:// doi.org/ 10.1007/ s00122-021-03849-4.

Rahat Sharif, Chen Xie , Jin Wang , Zhen Cao, Haiqiang Zhang, Peng Chen , Yuhong Li *2020. Genome wide identification, characterization and expression analysis of HD-ZIP gene family in Cucumis sativus L. under biotic and various abiotic stresses, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules ,158:502–520

Hu, Liangliang,Zhang  Haiqiang, Xie Chen, Wang Jin, Zhang  Jiayu, Wang Hui, Weng, Yiqun, Chen  Peng1, Li Yuhong*.2020. A mutation in CsHD encoding a histidine and aspartic acid domain-containing protein leads to yellow young leaf-1 ( yyl-1 ) in cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L.).  Plant Science , 293:110407.

Rong Fuxi, Chen Feifan, Huang Li, Zhang Jiayu, Zhang Chaowen, Hou Dong, Cheng Zhihui, Weng Yiqun, Chen Peng *, Li Yuhong*. 2019. A mutation in class III homeodomain-leucine zipper (HD-ZIP III) transcription factor results in curly leaf (cul) in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)  Theoretical and Applied Genetics , 132(1): 113-123

Zhang C, Chen F, Zhao Z, Hu L, Liu H, Cheng Z, Weng Y, Chen P, Li Y*. 2018. Mutations in CsPID encoding a Ser/Thr protein kinase are responsible for round leaf shape in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.).  Theor Appl Genet  131:1379-1389.

Rahat Sharif , Chen xie, Haiqiang Zhang, Marino B. Arnao, Muhammad Ali , Qasid Ali , Izhar Muhammad , Abdullah Shalmani , Muhammad Azher Nawaz, Peng Chen ,* and Li Yuhong*. 2018. Melatonin and Its Effects on Plant Systems.  Molecules,  23(9)

Wang H, Li W, Qin Y, Pan Y, Wang X, Weng Y, Chen P, Li Y*. 2017. The Cytochrome P450 Gene CsCYP85A1 Is a Putative Candidate for Super Compact-1 (Scp-1) Plant Architecture Mutation in Cucumber (CucumissativusL.).  Front. Plant Sci.  8:266.

Feifan Chen,Bingbing Fu,Yupeng Pan,Chaowen Zhang,Haifan Wen,YiqunWeng,Peng Chen,Yuhong Li*.2017. Fine mapping identifies CsGCN5 encoding a histone acetyltransferase as putative candidate gene fortendril-less1 mutation (td-1) in cucumber.  Theoretical and Applied Genetics,  DOI 10.1007/s00122-017-2909-1

Bo KL, Wang H, Pan YP, Behera TK, Pandey S, Wen CL, Wang YH, Simon PW, Li YH, Chen JF*, Weng Y*. 2016. SHORT HYPOCOTYL1 encodes a SMARCA3-Like chromatin remodeling factor regulating elongation.  Plant Physiology  172(2): 1273-1292

Gao ML*, Hu LL, Li YH, Weng Y* .2016. The chlorophyll-deficient golden leaf mutation in cucumber is due to a single nucleotide substitution in CsChlI for magnesium chelatase I subunit.  Theoretical and Applied Genetics  129(10): 1961-1973

王电卫,姚佳睿,咸玉斌,李文梅,李玉红*. 大棚春黄瓜//空心菜-秋黄瓜//木耳菜-冬生菜高效栽培模式.  北方园艺 , 2021. 20

王电卫,姚佳睿,咸玉斌,李文梅,李玉红*. 北方塑料大棚冰菜高效栽培技术.  中国瓜菜 ,2021, 34(3):128-130

一种塑料大棚黄瓜间作冰菜的栽培方法. 2021. 国家发明专利

一种塑料大棚黄瓜间作番杏的栽培方法. 2021. 国家发明专利

塑料大棚秋茬黄瓜间作冬寒菜栽培技术规程. 2021.杨凌示范区地方标准

日光温室苋菜夏季填闲栽培技术规程. 2021. 杨凌示范区地方标准

塑料大棚红菜薹冬季填闲栽培技术规程. 2021. 杨凌示范区地方标准






E-mail: liyuhong73@126.com;liyuhong73@nwsuaf.edu.cn