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发布日期:2021-08-20   阅读次数:






    2003年– 2007年,中国农业大学,工学院,工程学士学位

    2007年– 2009年,中国农业大学,工学院,工程硕士学位

    2009年– 2014年,瑞士巴塞尔大学,环境科学系,地理学博士学位


    2014年– 2015年,瑞士巴塞尔大学,环境科学系,博士后

    2014年12月– 2015年2月,美国加州大学默塞德分校,访问学者

















2025.01 - 2028.12,国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,重力侵蚀和干湿交替对黄土塬区陡崖侧壁碳排放的影响机理,47万,主持

2023.01 – 2026.12,冻融盐渍化土壤多组分溶质迁移对微生物呼吸的影响机理及模型,54万,参与

2021.01 – 2023.12,中国科学院“西部之光”西部青年学者人才培养计划项目A类,“黄土高原泥沙沉积掩埋的碳汇效应”,50万,主持

2021.01 – 2023.12,陕西省引进高层次人才专项资助,“黄土高原小流域土壤微塑料空间分布、来源及迁移行为研究”,22.5万,主持

2018.07 – 2021.06,国家重点研发计划,东北黑土区坡面水土流失综合治理技术,36万,子课题主持

2018.01 – 2020.12,国家自然科学基金青年基金,侵蚀泥沙粒级对有机碳迁移转化的影响,25万,主持

2017.11 – 2018.11,陕西省人力资源和社会保障厅留学人员科技活动择优资助项目,3万,主持

2017.04 – 2018.04,西北农林科技大学国际合作伙伴项目,10万,主持



1) Yongli Hao, Yuan Song, Xianwen Li*, Ming Li, Xiaorong Wei, Shengli Guo, Yaxian Hu*. 2024. Progressive melting of surface water and unequal discharge of different DOM components profoundly perturb soil biochemical cycling. Water Research 266, 122360.

2) Chongzheng Ye#, Huinan Ma#, Xianwen Li, Shengli Guo, Xiaorong Wei, Yaxian Hu*. 2024. Lateral CO2 emission from eroded scarps and terrace sidewalls: A non-negligible but long-ignored carbon source. Catena 245, 108272.

3)  Yaxian Hu, Xinhao Yuan, Xinyao Wang, Yuan Song, Zhengbo Peng, Baowen Yan, Xianwen Li*. 2024. Unequal impacts of unidirectional freeze-thaw on different soil layers and aggregate sizes: Evidenced by microbial communities and CO2 emissions. Catena 241, 108057.


1)  Ruiqi Wang, Yaxian Hu*, Xinhao Yuan, Junying Chen, Simin Jiang, Xianwen Li*, 2023. Unsynchronized migrations of different salt ions and ice microstructure development during unidirectional freeze-thaw. Desalination 549, 116326.

2) Yaxian Hu*#, Xianwen Li#, Huimin Liu, Xinhao Yuan, Simin Jiang, Xiaorong Wei. 2023. Progressively thawed soil layers differed in microbial properties and CO2 emission rates. Catena 221, 106791.

3) Yaxian Hu*, Hui Zhang, Lanlan Du, Xianwen Li, Xiaorong Wei*. 2023. Layered structure significantly inhibits CO2 transfer through the depositional profile: as simulated by well‑mixed vs. interlaid soil columns. Biogeochemistry, 166: 39-53.


1)  Huimin Liu, Yaxian Hu*, Yongli Hao, Xiaoyu Yan, Lei Wu, Chenrao Wang, Xianwen Li*, 2022. Progressive freeze-thaw redistributes water, solute and CO2 emissions across soil layers – The role of soil particle size. Catena 219, 106614.

2) Lanlan Du, Yaxian Hu*, Xin Gao, Weijia Li, Rui Wang, Fangbin Hou, Shengli Guo*, 2022. Mitigation of soil organic carbon mineralization by soil redistribution - An erosion-deposition plot study under natural rainfall over five years. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 327, 107827.


1) Xiaojing Ou, Yaxian Hu*, Xianwen Li, Shengli Guo, Baoyuan Liu. 2021. Advancements and challenges in rill formation, morphology, measurement and modeling. Catena. 196: 104932.


1) Yaxian Hu, Xianwen Li, Shengli Guo, Xin Gao, Xiaojing Ou, Baoyuan Liu*. 2020. On-site soil dislocation and localized CNP degradation: the real erosion risk faced by slope cropland in northeastern China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 302, 107088.

2) Yaxian Hu, Zhiqi Wang, Rui Wang, Lunguang Yao, Shengli Guo*. 2020. “Slope sensitivity: A coefficient to represent the dependency of soil CO2 emissions to slope gradients”. Catena. 193, 104659.

3) Yaxian Hu, Xianwen Li*, Menggui Jin, Rui Wang, Junying Chen*, and Shengli Guo. 2020. Reduced Co-Occurrence and Ion-Specific Preferences of Soil Microbial Hub Species after Ten Years of Irrigation with Brackish Water. Soil & Tillage Research. 199, 104599.

4) Weijia Li, Xin Gao, Rui Wang, Lanlan Du, Fangbin Hou, Yao He, Yaxian Hu*, Lunguang Yao, Shengli Guo*. 2020. Soil redistribution reduces integrated C sequestration in soil-plant ecosystems: Evidence from a five-year topsoil removal and addition experiment. Geoderma. 377, 114593.

5) Shaojuan Lu, Baoyuan Liu*, Yaxian Hu*, Suhua Fu, Qi Cao, Yandong Shi, and Tingting Huang. 2020. Soil Erosion Topographic Factor (LS): Accuracy Calculated from Different Data Sources. Catena 187: 104334.

6) Xin Gao, Weijia Li, Ali Salman, Rui Wang, Lanlan Du, Lunguang Yao, Yaxian Hu*, and Shengli Guo*. 2020. Impact of Topsoil Removal on Soil CO2 Emission and Temperature Sensitivity in Chinese Loess Plateau. Science of The Total Environment 708: 135102.

7) Yao He, Yaxian Hu*, Baoyuan Liu, Xin Gao, Rui Wang, Shengli Guo, and Xianwen Li*. 2020. Minor Topography Governing Erosional Distribution of SOC and Temperature Sensitivity of CO2 Emissions: Comparisons between Concave and Convex Toposequence. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 20: 1906–1919.


1)  Xin Gao, Yaxian Hu*, Qiqi Sun, Lanlan Du, Pengfei Duan, Lunguang Yao, and Shengli Guo*. 2018. Erosion-Induced Carbon Losses and CO2 Emissions from Loess and Black Soil in China. Catena 171: 533–40.


1) 胡亚鲜*Nikolaus J. Kuhn. 2017. 利用土壤颗粒的沉降粒级研究泥沙的迁移与分布规律.土壤学报, 54 (5):1115-1124.


1) Yaxian Hu*, and Nikolaus J. Kuhn. 2016. Erosion-Induced Exposure of SOC to Mineralization in Aggregated Sediment. Catena 137: 517–25.

2) Nikolaus J. Kuhn, Yaxian Hu*, Lena Bloemertz, Jin He, Hongwen Li, and Philip Greenwood. 2016. Conservation Tillage and Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture: Regional vs. Global Benefit Analysis. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 216: 155–65.

3) Yaxian Hu*, Asmeret Asefaw Berhe, Marilyn L. Fogel, Goswin Heckrath, and Nikolaus J. Kuhn. 2016. Transport-Distance Specific SOC Distribution: Does It Skew Erosion Induced C Fluxes? Biogeochemistry 128 (3): 339–51.

4) Yaxian Hu*, Wolfgang Fister, and Nikolaus J. Kuhn. 2016. Inherent Interreplicate Variability during Small-Scale Rainfall Simulations. Journal of Soils and Sediments 16 (6): 1809–14.


1)Yaxian Hu*, and N. J. Kuhn. 2014. Aggregates Reduce Transport Distance of Soil Organic Carbon: Are Our Balances Correct? Biogeosciences 11 (22): 6209–19.


1)  Yaxian Hu*, Wolfgang Fister, Hans-Rudolf Rüegg, Peter A. Kinnell, and Nikolaus J. Kuhn. 2013. The Use of Equivalent Quartz Size and Settling Tube Apparatus to Fractionate Soil Aggregates by Settling Velocity. Geomorphology Techniques (Online Edition), British Society for Geomorphology, Section–1.