史海静,女,汉族,博士,副研究员,国家地球系统科学数据中心黄土高原分中心主任, 西北农林科技大学水土保持研究所博士研究生导师,西部青年学者。电子邮件:shihaijingcn@nwafu.edu.cn.
5. 陕西省引进博士资助经费,地形微生境缓冲气候变化对植被生态系统潜在影响的评估,2018/01-2021/12,20万元,主持
6.国家自然科学基金青年项目,41501055,黄土丘陵区地形微气候环境与植物功能性状响应,2016/01-2018/12, 24万元,主持
l Yang, X., J. Young, H. Shi*, E. Zhu, I. Pulsford, G. Chapman, C. Moore, A. Gormley, R. Thackway and T. Shepherd (2024). "Estimating sediment delivery ratio using the RUSLE-IC-SDR approach at a complex landscape: A case study at the Lower Snowy River area, Australia." Journal of Hydrology: 132237.
l Wang, Y., Shi, H.*, Yang, X., Jiang, Y., Wu, Y., Shui, J., Liu, Y., Guo, M. and Li, L. 2024. Spatial downscaling of SMAP soil moisture to high resolution using machine learning over China’s Loess Plateau. CATENA 247, 108492.
l Shi, H.*, Zhang, Y., Wu, Y., Yang, X., Liu, B., Guo, M., Zhao, J., Shui, J., Cao, X. and Paull, D. 2024. A thermal infrared imaging observation system for the measurement of overland flow velocities under controlled laboratory conditions. Journal of Hydrology 641, 131827.
l Jiang, Y., Shi, H.*, Wen, Z., Yang, X., Wu, Y., Li, L., Ma, Y., Dymond, J.R., Guo, M. and Shui, J. 2024. Monitoring of Flash Drought on the Loess Plateau and Its Impact on Vegetation Ecosystems. Forests 15(8), 1455.
l Zheng, C., Shi, H.*, Wei, J., Cui, M., Lin, Z., Gao, Y., Yuan, L. and Wen, Z. 2024. Evidence that spatial scale and environment factors explain grassland community assembly in woodland–grassland ecotones. Ecology and Evolution 14(7), e11644.
l Zheng, C., Zhang, F., Lin, Z., Yuan, L., Yao, H., Duan, G., Liu, Y., Liu, Y., Shi, H.* and Wen, Z. 2024. Using the response–effect trait framework to disentangle the effects of environmental change on the ecosystem services. Journal of Plant Ecology 17(5), rtae024.
l Youfu Wu, Haijing Shi* and Xihua Yang (2024). "Estimating the CSLE Biological Conservation Measures’ B-Factor Using Google Earth’s Engine." Remote Sensing 16(5): 847.
l 李威洋, 史海静*, 聂玮廷, 杨鑫源 (2024). "基于地表参数变化的延河流域地表温度时空演变分析." 自然资源遥感 36(2): 229-238.
l Yanmin Jiang, Haijing Shi*, Minghang Guo, Jun Zhao, Xiaoping Cao, Junfeng Shui, David Paull (2023). A digital close range photogrammetric observation system for measuring soil surface morphology during ongoing rainfall. Journal of Hydrology, 620, 129427.
l 王椰, 史海静*, 姜艳敏, 吴友福, 高原, 丁成琴. 基于TVDI的黄土高原干旱时空变化与其影响因素[J]. 农业机械学报, 2023, 54(7): 184-195.
l 丁成琴, 史海静*, 高原, 郑诚, 吴有福, 张艳. 地形微生境对区域温度变化的缓冲作用. 生态学报, 2023, 43(12): 5137-5149.
l 肖旭, 郑诚, 丁成琴, 范陈哲, 白悦江, 林隆超, 闫婷, 高宇, 史海静*.基于ANUSPLIN的黄土丘陵区气象要素插值方法对比与评估[J].干旱区研究, 2023,40(10):1575-1582.
l 高原, 史海静*, 丁成琴, 郑诚, 姜艳敏, 张艳.黄土丘陵区人工刺槐林温湿度缓冲效应.水土保持研究, 2023 30(5): 175-183.
l Jiang, Y., Shi, H.*, Wen, Z., Guo, M., Zhao, J., Cao, X., Fan, Y., & David Paull (2022). A comparative experimental study of rill erosion on loess soil and clay loam soil based on a digital close-range photogrammetry technology. Geomorphology, 419,108487.
l姜艳敏, 史海静*, 张少伟, 税军峰, 曹晓萍, 郑诚. 黄河流域12.5米分辨率地形因子数据集, 中国科学数据, 2022, 7(4): 1-17.
l 郑诚, 史海静*, 张少伟, 税军峰, 曹晓萍, 姜艳敏. 黄河流域12.5米分辨率土壤流失方程坡度坡长因子数据集, 中国科学数据, 2022, 7(4): 1-14.
l 成诚, 史海静*, 张少伟, 税军峰, 曹晓萍. 黄河流域12.5米分辨率水文地貌量化要素分析数据集, 中国科学数据,, 2022, 7(4): 1-14.
l 张艳,史海静*,郭明航,等. 基于热红外成像的坡面薄层水流流速测量方法研究.农业工程学报,2021,37(21):108-115.
l Jiang, Y., Shi, H.*, Wen, Z., Guo, M., Zhao, J., Cao, X., Fan, Y., & Zheng, C. (2020). The dynamic process of slope rill erosion analyzed with a digital close range photogrammetry observation system under laboratory conditions. Geomorphology, 350, 106893.
l 姜艳敏,郭明航,赵军,温仲明,林奇,史海静*,土壤侵蚀形态演化数字摄影观测系统设计与实验. 农业机械学报, 2019,19(4),1-12.
l Haijing Shi, Zhongming Wen*, Minghang Guo. Leaf trait variation with environmental factors at different scales: a multilevel analysis across a forest-steppe transition. Forests, 2018, 9(3) 122.
l Haijing Shi, Zhongming Wen*, David Paull, Minghang Guo. A Framework for Quantifying the Thermal Buffering Effect of Microhabitats. Biological Conservation, 2016, 204,175-180.
l Haijing Shi, Zhongming Wen*, David Paull, Feng Jiao. Distribution of Natural and Planted Forests in the Yanhe River Catchment: Have We Planted Trees on the Right Sites? Forests, 2016,7(12),258.
l Minghang Guo, Haijing Shi*, Jun Zhao, Puling Liu, Dustin Welbourne, Qi Lin. Digital close range photogrammetry for the study of rill development at flume scale. Catena, 2016, 143:265-274.
l Haijing Shi*, David Paull, Scott Rayburg. Spatial heterogeneity of temperature across alpine boulder fields in New South Wales, Australia: multilevel modelling of drivers of microhabitat climate. International Journal of Biometeorology, 2016,60(7),965-976.
l Haijing Shi*, David Paull, Linda Broome, Hayley Bates, Microhabitat use by the mountain pygmy-possum (Burramys parvus): Implications for the conservation of small mammals in alpine environments, Austral Ecology, 2015, 40(5):528-536
l Haijing Shi*, David Paull, Zhongming Wen, Linda Broome, Thermal buffering effect of alpine boulder field microhabitats in Australia: Implications for habitat management and conservation, Biological Conservation, 2014, 180:278-187
l Haijing Shi, Zhongming Wen*, D. Paull, Estimation of carbon carrying capacity in the Yanhe River catchment of China's Loess Plateau. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Soil & Plant Science, 2013, 63:543-553