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发布日期:2021-08-20   阅读次数:




联系方式: fangyan@nwafu.edu.cn



2014-至今  西北农林科技大学,副研究员

2023-2024  荷兰瓦赫宁根大学,访问学者

2012-2014  兰州大学,生命科学学院,草地农业生态学,博士后

2005-2011  中国科学院水土保持与生态环境研究中心,生态学,博士

2001-2005  西北农林科技大学,园艺学,学士


1.      承担《农业生态学》、《农学概论》等本科核心课程的教学工作。

2.      The Crop JournalFrontiers Plant SciencePeerJournal of Agricultural Science and Technology、南方农业学报及西南农业学报审稿人


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,42377468,黄黄土高原草地恢复中根系残体分解驱动土壤生态过程机理研究2024/012027/12,主持.

2. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,41807516,黄土高原草地根系残体调蓄土壤水分作用机理研究,2019/012021/12,主持.

3. 中国科学院先导专项A专题,2019/012023/12XDA23070201,“绿水青山”提质增效关键技术研发与发展模式,子课题主持.

4. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助(一等),2018M631199,黄土区根系残体调蓄土壤水分作用机理研究,主持.

5. 陕西省自然科学基金,2019JQ-306,豆科和禾本科牧草根系残体调蓄土壤水分的机理研究,2019/012020/12,主持.

6. 陕西省博士后基金,2018BSHEDZZ142,草地恢复过程中根系分解调控土壤水分的作用机理,2019/012020/12,主持.

7. 草地农业生态系统国家重点实验室开放课题,SKLGAE201705,苜蓿根系应答低磷胁迫的生理生态学机制,2017/012019/12,主持.

8. 西北退化生态系统恢复与重建教育部重点实验室,2017KF001,黄土高原两种豆科牧草混播生产力形成及土壤环境效应研究,2017/012019/12,主持.

9. 陕西省专项配套经费,黄土高原混播草地水土环境效应研究,2017/012018/12,主持.

10. 中央基本科研业务费专项资金,根系性状对旱地冬小麦密植高产的调节机理研究,2015/012017/12,主持.

11. 黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室开放基金,10501-1216,根修剪对黄土旱塬不同密度冬小麦产量及抗旱性的影响,2012/012013/12,主持.


近年来,研究工作以第一及通讯作者发表在Field and Crops ResearchEuropean Journal of AgronomyPlant and SoilLand Degradation & DevelopmentFrontiers in Plant Science等期刊,发表在Frontiers in Plant Science论文为ESI1%

1. Ma C, Wang X.R., Wang J.J., Zhu X.Y., Qin C., Zeng Y., Zhen W.L., Fang Y*., Shangguan Z.P. 2023. Interactions of soil nutrients and microbial communities during root decomposition of gramineous and leguminous forages. Land Degradation and Development. 34: 3250-3261. (中科院二区, TOP

2.        Fang Y., Liang L.Y., Liu S., Xu B.C., Siddique, K.H.M., Palta J.A., Chen, Y.L*., 2021. Wheat cultivars with small root length density in the topsoil increased post-anthesis water use and grain yield in the semi-arid region on the Loess Plateau. European Journal of Agronomy. 124: 126243. (中科院一区,TOP)

3.        Fang Y., Huang Z., Cui Z., He H.H., Liu Y*. 2021. Trade-off between forage crop productivity and soil nutrients at different ages of alfalfa grassland. Land Degradation & Development. 32:374-386. (中科院二区)

4.        Wang G.Y, Liu S., Fang Y*., Shangguan Z.P*., 2020. Adaptive changes in root morphological traits of Gramineae and Leguminosae seedlings in the ecological restoration of the semiarid region of northwest China. 2020, Land Degradation & Development. 31:2417-2429. (中科院二区)

5.        Wang J, Dong J, Tian X.Y, Wang J.Z, Palta J.A., Xu S.B., Fang Y*., Wang Z.H*., 2020. Over-expression of the heat-responsive wheat gene TaHSP23.9 in transgenic Arabidopsis conferred tolerance to heat and salt stress. Frontiers Plant Science. 11:243 (中科院二区, TOP

6.        Fang Y., Miao Q.X., Liu S., Xu B.C., Zhang S.Q., Siddique, K.H.M., Palta J.A., Chen, Y.L*., 2019. Optimal wheat seeding rate is influenced by cultivar-specific topsoil and subsoil root traits. Agronomy Journal. 111: 3150-3160. 

7.        An H., Li Q.L., Yan X., Wu X.Z., Liu R.T., Fang Y*., 2019. Desertification control on soil inorganic and organic carbon accumulation in the topsoil of desert grassland in Ningxia, northwest China. Ecological Engineering. 127: 348-355. (中科院二区)

8.        Fang, Y., Du, Y.L., Wang, J., Wu, A.J., Qiao, S., Xu, B.C., Zhang, S.Q., Siddique, K.H.M., Chen, Y.L., 2017. Moderate drought stress affected root growth and grain yield in old, modern and newly-released cultivars of winter wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 672. (中科院二区/ESI 1%

9.        Fang, Y., Xu, B.C., Liu, L., Gu, Y.J., Liu, Q.Q., Turner, N.C., Li, F.M., 2014. Does a mixture of old and modern winter wheat cultivars increase yield and water use efficiency in water-limited environments? Field Crops Research. 156:12-21. (中科院一区,TOP)

10.    Fang, Y., Liu, L., Xu, B.C., Li, F.M., 2011. The relationship between competitive ability and yield stability in an old and a modern winter wheat cultivar. Plant and Soil. 347:7-23. (中科院一区,TOP)

11.    Fang, Y., Xu, B.C., Turner, N.C., Li, F.M., 2010. Grain yield, dry matter accumulation and remobilization, and root respiration in winter wheat as affected by seeding rate and root pruning. European Journal of Agronomy. 33:257-266. (中科院一区,TOP)

12.    Fang, Y., Xu, B.C., Turner, N.C., Li, F.M., 2010. Does root pruning increase yield and water-use efficiency of winter wheat? Crop and Pasture Science. 61, 899-910.

13.    朱晓月,马灿,方燕*,上官周平, 2023. 水分胁迫和粉煤灰添加对风沙土颗粒分形维数及肥力的影响.水土保持学报.37(5):103-110.

14.    朱晓月,方燕*,上官周平, 2023. 黄土风沙区土壤培肥技术及其调控机制.中国农学通报.39(7): 95-101.

15.    王光燚,上官周平*,方燕*, 2020. 氮沉降对细根分解影响的研究进展. 水土保持研究.27(2): 383-391.

16.    方燕,闵东红,高欣,王中华,王军*,刘萍,刘霞, 2019. 不同抗旱性冬小麦根系时空分布与产量关系研究.生态学报, 39(8):2922-2934.

苗青霞,方燕*,陈应龙*, 2019. 小麦根系特征对干旱胁迫的响应. 植物学报. 54(5):652-661.