刘文兆: 研究员、博士生导师;电子邮件地址:wzliu@ms.iswc.ac.cn
1995年获中科院首届方树泉青年科学家奖;1998年入选陕西省“三五人才工程”; 2006年获国务院政府特殊津贴,并得到中共中央组织部与中科院联合表彰,获“西部之光优秀学者”称号;2009年得到科技部表彰,获“全国野外科技工作先进个人”称号;2016年获中国生态系统研究网络“科技贡献奖”。
[1] Zhou, H., Z. Li & W. Liu*.2021. Connotation analysis of parameters in the generalized nonlinear advection aridity model. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 301-302: 108343.
[2] Wang, Y., W. Yan, X. Han, F. Pan, L. Cheng & W. Liu*.2021. Changes in deep soil water content in the process of large-scale apple tree planting on the loess tableland of China. Forests, 12(2): 123.
[3] Zhou, H., S. Han & W. Liu*.2020. Evaluation of two generalized complementary functions for annual evaporation estimation on the Loess Plateau, China. Journal of Hydrology, 587: 124980.
[4] Liu, W., H. Zhou, X. Han & Z. Li.2020. Comment on two papers about the generalized complementary evaporation relationships by Crago et al. Water Resources Research, 56(3): doi.10.1029/2019wr026292.
[5] Peng, S., Y. Ding, W. Liu* & Z. Li*.2019. 1km monthly temperature and precipitation dataset for China from 1901 to 2017. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 11(4): 1931-1946.
[6] Ning, T., S. Zhou, F. Chang, H. Shen, Z. Li & W. Liu*.2019. Interaction of vegetation, climate and topography on evapotranspiration modelling at different time scales within the Budyko framework. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 275: 59-68.
[7] Lin, W., W. Liu*, S. Zhou & C. Liu.2019. Influence of plastic film mulch on maize water use efficiency in the Loess Plateau of China. Agricultural Water Management, 224.
[8] Ning, T., W. Liu*, H. Shen & Z. Li.2018. Attribution analysis of the spatial variations in potential evapotranspiration on the Loess Plateau of China by a total differential equation. Hydrology Research, 49(6): 1902-1914.
[9] Ning, T., Z. Li & W. Liu*.2017. Vegetation dynamics and climate seasonality jointly control the interannual catchment water balance in the Loess Plateau under the Budyko framework. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 21(3): 1515-1526.
[10] 李超, 刘文兆*, 林文, 韩晓阳, 周玲 & 王亚萍.2017. 黄土塬区冬小麦产量及水分利用效率对播前底墒变化与生育期差别供水的响应. 中国农业科学, 50(18): 3549-3560.
[11] Ning, T., Z. Li* & W. Liu*.2016. Separating the impacts of climate change and land surface alteration on runoff reduction in the Jing River catchment of China. Catena, 147: 80-86.
[12] Lin, W. & W. Liu*.2016. Establishment and application of spring maize yield to evapotranspiration boundary function in the Loess Plateau of China. Agricultural Water Management, 178: 345-349.
[13] 程立平, 刘文兆*, 李志 & 韩晓阳. 2016. 长武黄土塬区土地利用变化对潜水补给的影响. 水科学进展, 27(05): 670-678.