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发布日期:2021-08-20   阅读次数:




1. 2012/9-2015/12,西北农林科技大学,资源环境学院水土保持与荒漠化防治系,讲师;

2. 2016/01-至今,西北农林科技大学,资源环境学院水土保持与荒漠化防治系,副教授;

3. 2017.09 - 2018.07 美国农业部土壤侵蚀重点实验室,普渡大学,访问学者





1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:黄土高塬沟壑区对比小流域植被恢复对水沙变化的驱动机制,2022/1-2025/1556万元,在研,主持;

2. 科技部基础调查专项,中国南北过渡带主要水文要素多时空序列调查,2017/1-2021/12200万元,在研,课题主持;

3. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,51509206,变化环境下延河流域地表水土过程演变特征与驱动机制,2016/01-2018/1222万元,结题,主持;

4. “十二五”重大突破项目子课题,A315021301-05,黄河水沙变化对黄土高原侵蚀环境演变过程的响应,2014/01-2016/1220万元,结题,主持。


1. Tian P, An Zhengfeng, Zhao Guangju, Gao Peng, Li Pengfei, Sun Wenyi, Mu Xingmin. Assessing sediment yield and sources using fingerprinting method in a representative catchment of the Loess Plateau, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2019, 78(8).261. (SCI)

2. He Yi,Tian P*, Mu XM*, Gao P, Zhao GJ, Wang F, Li PF. Changes in daily and monthly rainfall in the middle Yellow River, China. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 2017, 129, 139-148.

3. Tian P, Zhai JQ, Zhao GJ, Mu XM. Dynamics of runoff and suspended sediment transport in a highly erodible catchment on the Chinese Loess Plateau, Land Degradation & Development, 2016, 27,3, 839-850

4. Tian P, Mu XM, Lu JL, HuJF, and Gu CJ. Impacts of Climate Variability and Human Activities on the Changes of Runoff and Sediment Load in a Catchment of the Loess Plateau, China. Advances in Meteorology, 2016 2016(3):1-15

5. He Y,Wang F, Tian P*, Mu XM*, Gao P, Zhao GJ, Wu YP. Impact assessment of human activities on runoff and sediment of Beiluo River in the Yellow River based on paired years of similar climate. Polish Journal of Environment Studies. 2016, 25:121-135.(SCI)

6. Tian P, Zhao GJ, Mu XM, Wang F, Gao P, Mi ZJ. Check dam identification using multisource data and their effects on streamflow and sediment load in a Chinese Loess Plateau catchment. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2013, 7: 1-13(SCI)

7. Tian P, Zhao GJ, Gao JF, Zhang ZX, Ni GH. Integration of monthly water balance simulation and export coefficient model for nutrients pollution estimation in the Xitiaoxi catchment. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2012, 9(1): 163-172.(SCI)

8. Tian P, Zhao GJ, Li J*, Tian K. Extreme value analysis of streamflow time series in Poyang Lake Basin, China. Water Science and Engineering, 2011, 4(2):121-132. (EI)

9. 田鹏,穆兴民,赵广举,等. 近549年来黄河天然径流量时间变化特征研究. 水土保持学报,2020,34(6):65-69

10. 田鹏,赵广举,穆兴民,温仲明,王飞.基于改进RUSLE模型的皇甫川流域土壤侵蚀产沙模拟研究.资源科学,2015,37(4):832-840.

11. 田鹏,田坤,李靖.赣江上游流域未来气温与降水的降尺度分析. 应用基础与工程科学学报,2011, 19:57-67. (EI)