Ø 2020至今 西北农林科技大学/中国科学院水利部水土保持研究所 研究员
Ø 2017年-2019年 西北农林科技大学/中国科学院水利部水土保持研究所 副研究员
Ø 2013年-2016年 西北农林科技大学/中国科学院水利部水土保持研究所 助理研究员
Ø 中国水土保持学会青年科技奖(2020)
Ø 陕西省生态学会青年科技奖(2020)
Ø 陕西省高校首批“青年杰出人才”(2017)
Ø 陕西省创新人才-青年科技新星(2018)
Ø 陕西省秦岭生态环保青年学者(2019)
Ø 陕西省生态科学技术奖—自然科学特等奖(排名第二, 2020)
Ø 中国林学会梁希优秀论文一等奖(2020)
Ø 中国科学院西部青年学者(2020)
Ø 中国生态系统研究网络(CERN)十佳青年优秀论文奖(2016)
Ø 中国科学院院长奖(2013)
Ø 中国科学院水土保持研究所所长奖(2013)
Ø 黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室主任奖(2013)
Ø 中国科学院-BHPB优秀博士奖(2012)
Ø 中国科学院朱李月华优秀博士奖(2012)
Ø 虞宏正教授优秀博士奖(2011)
针对植被恢复过程中植物-土壤-微生物互作关系,以植被恢复过程中土壤微生物的演变特征—功能作用—内在机理为主线,系统研究了黄土高原生态恢复驱动的植物、土壤及微生物演变过程及内在机制,在Soil Biology & Biochemistry、Biology & Fertility of Soils、Ecological Applications等主流期刊上发表论文80余篇,其中以第一/通讯作者发表论文50余篇,ESI(前1%)高被引论文1篇。
Ø 国家自然科学基金面上项目 黄土高原干旱胁迫下白羊草根系分泌物介导的土壤氮转化机制
Ø 国家自然科学基金面上项目 氮肥施用对黄土丘陵区白羊草群落根-土界面碳流过程的影响机制
Ø 国家自然科学基金青年项目 黄土丘陵区植被演替中典型草本群落根系分泌物化感作用
Ø 十三五国家重点研发项目专题 水土保持-经济协调发展型的生态设计
Ø 中科院“西部之光”人才项目 苹果枝条为载体的微生物菌群对陕北梯田土壤功能的提升机制
Ø 中科院“西部之光”人才项目 黄土丘陵区典型草本群落自然演替中根际微生物特征研究
Ø 中国博士后特别资助 土壤N升高对黄土高原白羊草群落产流产沙的影响机制
Ø 中国博士后一等资助 自然恢复中先锋种群根系分泌物化感作用
1. Ye ZC, Li J, Wang J, Zhang C*, Liu GB*, Dong QG, 2021. Diversity and co-occurrence network modularization of bacterial communities determine soil fertility and crop yields in arid fertigation agroecosystems. Biology and Fertility of Soils 57, 809-824.
2. Liao L, Wang XT, Wang J, Liu GB, Zhang C*. 2021. Nitrogen fertilization increases fungal diversity and abundance of saprotrophs while reducing nitrogen fixation potential in a semiarid grassland. Plant and Soil 465, 515-532.
3. Wang J, Wang XT, Zhang C*, Wang GL*. 2021. Bacterial richness is negatively related to potential soil multifunctionality in a degraded alpine meadow. Ecological Indicators, 121: 106996.
4. Zhang C, Liu GB, Song ZL, Wang J, Guo L*. 2018. Interactions of soil bacteria and fungi with plants during long-term grazing exclusion in semiarid grasslands. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2018, 124: 47-58.
5. Zhang C,Liu GB, Song ZL*, Qu D, Fang LC, Deng L. 2017. Natural succession on abandoned cropland effectively decreases the soil erodibility and improves the fungal diversity. Ecological Applications, 2017, 27: 2142-2154.
6. Zhang C*, Song ZL, Zhuang DH, Wang J, Xie SS, Liu GB*. Urea fertilization decreases soil bacterial diversity, but improves microbial biomass, respiration, and N-cycling potential in a semiarid grassland. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 2019, 55: 229-242.
7. Zhang C*,Liu GB, Xue S, Wang GL. Soil bacterial community dynamics reflect changes in plant community and soil properties during the secondary succession of abandoned farmland in the Loess Plateau. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2016, 97: 40-49.
8. Zhang C, Li J, Wang J, Liu GB,Wang GL, Guo L, Peng SZ*. 2019. Decreased temporary turnover of bacterial communities along soil depth gradient during a 35-year grazing exclusion period in a semiarid grassland. Geoderma, 351: 49-58.
9. Zhang C, Wang J, Liu GB, Song ZL, Fang LC*. 2019. Impact of soil leachate on microbial biomass and diversity affected by plant diversity. Plant and Soil, 439: 505-523.
10. Zhang C, Liu G, Xue S, Wang G, Wang J, Song ZL*. 2018. Effects of rhizosphere interactions of grass interspecies on the soil microbial properties during the natural succession in the Loess Plateau. European Journal of Soil Biology, 85: 79-88.
11. Zhang L, Wang XT, Wang J, Wan Q, Liao LR, Liu GB, Zhang C*. 2021. Grazing exclusion reduces soil N2O emissions by regulating nirK- and nosZ-type denitrifiers in alpine meadows. Journal of Soils and Sediments. doi:10.1007/s11368-021-03035-5.
12. Peng SZ, Yu KL, Li Z, Wen ZM, Zhang C*. 2019. Integrating potential natural vegetation and habitat suitability into revegetation programs for sustainable ecosystems under future climate change. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 269: 270-284
13. Wang J, Liu GB, Zhang C*, Wang GL. 2020. Effect of long-term destocking on soil fungal functional groups and interactions with plants. Plant and Soil, 448: 495-508.
14. Wang J, Wang XT, Liu GB, Wang GL, Wu Y, Zhang C*. 2020. Fencing as an effective approach for restoration of alpine meadows:Evidence from nutrient limitation of soil microbes. Geoderma, 363: 114148.
15. Song ZL, Fang LC, Wang J, Zhang C*.2019. Use of biogas solid residue from anaerobic digestion as an effective amendment to remediate Cr(VI)-contaminated soils. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26: 13041-13053.
16. Song ZL, Liu GB, Zhang C*. 2019. Response of rhizosphere microbial communities to plant succession along a grassland chronosequence in a semiarid area. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2019, 19: 2496-2508.
17. Song ZL, Wang J, Liu GB, Zhang C*. 2019. Changes in nitrogen functional genes in soil profiles of grassland under long-term grazing prohibition in a semiarid area , Science of the Total Environment, 673:92-101.
18. Wang J, Liu GB, Zhang C*, Wang GL, Fang LC, Cui YX. 2019. Higher temporal turnover of soil fungi than bacteria during long-term secondary succession in a semiarid abandoned farmland. Soil and Tillage Research, 194: 104305.
19. Fang LC, Ju WL, Yang CL, Duan CJ, Cui YX, Han F, Shen GT, Zhang C*. 2019. Application of signalingmolecules in reducing metal accumulation in alfalfa and alleviating metal-induced phytotoxicity in Pb/Cd-contaminated soil. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 182:109459.
20. Fang LC, Ju WL, Yang CL, Jin XL, Liu DD, Li MD, Yu JL, Zhao W, Zhang C*. 2020. Exogenous application of signaling molecules to enhance the resistance of legume-rhizobium symbiosis in Pb/Cd-contaminated soils. Environmental Pollution, 265: 114744.
21. 廖李容, 王杰, 张超*, 刘国彬, 宋籽霖. 禁牧对半干旱草地土壤氮循环功能基因和氮储量的影响. 应用生态学报, 2019, 30(10): 3473-3481.
22. 马亚亚, 刘国彬, 张超*, 王杰. 陕北安塞县生态与经济系统耦合协调发展研究. 生态学报, 2019, 39(18): 1-10.
23. 喻岚晖, 王杰, 廖李蓉, 张超*, 刘国彬. 青藏高原退化草甸土壤微生物量、酶化学计量学特征及其影响因素. 草地学报, 2020, 28(6): 1702-1710.
24. 张路, 王杰, 王向涛, 廖李容, 宛倩, 刘国彬, 张超*. 不同恢复方式对退化高寒草甸土壤nifH和chiA微生物群落结构的影响.应用生态学报https://doi.org/10.13287/j.1001-9332.202112.040.
Email: zhangchao1985@nwafu.edu.cn
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