2020.11-至今 西北农林科技大学 葡萄酒学院 副教授
2020.10-至今 西北农林科技大学 果树学流动站 博士后
2019.06-2020.10 西北农林科技大学 葡萄酒学院 讲 师
2014.09-2019.06 西北农林科技大学 葡萄酒学院 博 士
2010.09-2014.06 西北农林科技大学 葡萄酒学院 学 士
近三年来,在 Food Chemistry,Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Foods,Food Research International,Food Science and Human Wellness,Scientia Horticulturae,Plant Physiology and Biochemistry,食品科学等国内外知名刊物上发表论文共计21篇,其中 SCI收录19篇(ESI论文1篇),EI收录1篇,核心1篇。作为主要完成人参与国家级、省部级课题 4 项。担任Food Chemistry,Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry,Scientia Horticulturae等多个国际学术期刊审阅人。申请发明专利2项。
国家自然基金青年项目 24万 2021.01-2023.12(在研)
西北农林科技大学博士科研启动基金20万 2019.09-2021.12(在研)
1. Ju Y L, Yang L, Yue X F, Li Y K, He R, Deng S L, Yang X, Fang Y L*. 2021. Anthocyanin profiles and color properties of red wines made from Vitis davidii and Vitis vinifera grapes, Food Science and Human Wellness , 10(3), 335-344.(中科院二区)
2. Ju Y L, Yue X F, Cao X Y, Wei X F, Fang Y L*. 2021. First study on the fatty acids and their derived volatile profiles from six Chinese wild spine grape clones ( Vitis davidii Foex), Scientia Horticulturae, 275, 109709.(中科院二区 TOP)
3. Ju Y L, Yue X F, Cao X Y, Fang Y L*. 2020. Targeted metabolomic and transcript level analysis reveals quality characteristic of Chinese wild grapes ( Vitis davidii Foex), Foods , 9, 1387.(中科院一区 TOP)
4. Ju Y L, Min Z, Yue X F, Zhang Y L, Zhang J X, Zhang Z Q, Fang Y L*. 2020. Overexpression of grapevine VvNAC08 enhances drought tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis , Plant Physiology and Biochemistry , 151(6): 214-222.(中科院二区)
5. Ju Y L, Yue X F, Min Z, Wang X H, Fang Y L*, Zhang J X*. 2020. VvNAC17, a novel stress-responsive grapevine ( Vitis vinifera L.) NAC transcription factor, increases sensitivity to abscisic acid and enhances salinity, freezing, and drought tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis . Plant Physiology and Biochemistry , 146, 98-111 . (中科院二区,ESI论文)
6. Ju Y L, Yang B H, He S, Tu T Y, Min Z, Fang Y L*, Sun X Y*. 2019. Anthocyanins accumulation and biosynthesis are modulated by regulated deficit irrigation in Cabernet Sauvignon ( Vitis vinifera L.) grapes and wines. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry , 135,469-479.(中科院二区)
7. Ju Y L, Liu M, Tu T Y, Zhao X F, Yue X F, Zhang J X, Fang Y L*. 2018. Effect of regulated deficit irrigation on fatty acids and their derived volatiles in 'Cabernet Sauvignon' grapes and wines of Ningxia, China. Food Chemistry , 245, 667.(中科院一区 TOP)
8. Ju Y L, Xu G Q, Yue X F, Zhao X F, Tu T Y, Zhang J X, Fang Y L*. 2018. Effects of regulated deficit irrigation on amino acid profiles and their derived volatile compounds in Cabernet Sauvignon ( Vitis vinifera L.) grapes and wines. Molecules , 23(8), 1983. (中科院三区)
9. Ju Y L, Yue X F, Zhao X F, Zhao H, Fang Y L*. 2018. Physiological, micro-morphological and metabolomic analysis of grapevine ( Vitis vinifera L.) leaf of plants under water stress. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry , 130, 501-510.(中科院二区)
10. Yue X F, Liu S Q, Wei S C, Fang Y L, Zhang Z W*, Ju Y L*. 2021. Transcriptomic and Metabolic Analyses Provide New Insights intothe Effects of Exogenous Sucrose on Monoterpene Synthesis in “Muscat Hamburg” Grapes. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry , 69, 4164-4176.(共同通讯 中科院一区 TOP)
11. Yue X F, Wei S C, Liu W H, Lu J S, Fang Y L, Zhang Z W*, Ju Y L*. 2021. Effect of rain-shelter cultivation on the monoterpenes profile of Muscat Hamburg grapes and wines. Scientia Horticulturae, 110136. (中科院二区 TOP)
12. Yue X F, Ma X, Tang Y L, Wang Y, Wu B W, Jiao X L, Zhang Z W*, Ju Y L*. 2020. Effect of cluster zone leaf removal on monoterpene profiles of Sauvignon Blanc grapes and wines. Food Research International , 131, 109028.(共同通讯 中科院一区 TOP)
13. Yue X F, Ren R H, Ma X, Fang Y L, Zhang Z W*, Ju Y L*. 2020. Dynamic changes in monoterpene accumulation and biosynthesis during grape ripening in three Vitis vinifera L. cultivars. Food Research International , 137, 109736.(共同通讯 中科院一区 TOP)
14. Yue X F, Zhao Y M, Ma X, Jiao X L, Fang Y L, Zhang Z W*, Ju Y L*. 2020. Effects of leaf removal on the accumulation of anthocyanins and the expression of anthocyanin biosynthetic genes in Cabernet Sauvignon ( Vitis vinifera L.) grapes. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture , DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.10951. (中科院二区 TOP)
15. Yue X F, Shi P B, Tang Y L, Zhang H X, Ma X, Zhang Z W*, Ju Y L*. 2020. Effects of methyl jasmonate on the monoterpenes of Muscat Hamburg grapes and wine. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture , DOI:10.1002/jsfa.10996 (中科院二区 TOP)
16. Zhao X F, Min Z, Wei X F, Ju Y L*, Fang Y L*. 2020. Using the Chou's 5-steps rule, transient overexpression technique, subcellular location, and bioinformatic analysis to verify the function of Vitis vinifera O-methyltranferase 3 (VvOMT3) protein. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry , 151, 621-629.(中科院二区)
17. Liu M, Ju Y L(共同第一), Min Z, Fang YL*, Meng JF*. 2020. Transcriptome analysis of grape leaves reveals insights into response to heat acclimation. Scientia Horticulturae, 272, 109554. (中科院二区 TOP)
18. Zhao H, Ju Y L(共同第一), Jiang J F, Min Z, Fang Y L*, Liu C H*. 2019. Downy mildew resistance identification and SSR molecular marker screening of different grape germplasm resources. Scientia Horticulturae , 252, 212-221.(中科院二区 TOP)
19. Yue, XF , Ju, YL(共同第一), Tang, ZZ , Zhao, YM , Jiao, XL , Zhang, ZW*. 2019. Effects of the severity and timing of basal leaf removal on the amino acids profiles of Sauvignon Blanc grapes and wines. Journal of Integrative Agriculture , 18(9), 2052-2062. (中科院二区)
20. 王婉妮, 孟凡君, 贾若一, 闵卓, 房玉林*, 鞠延仑*. 2021. 干旱胁迫下三种抗旱葡萄砧木 NAC 基因表达分析. 分子植物育种.(网络发表)
21. 鞠延仑, 宇航, 刘敏, 赵现方, 乐小凤, 房玉林*. 2018. 橡木提取液对霞多丽和赤霞珠葡萄果实品质的影响. 食品科学, 39(3), 62-68.(EI收录)