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发布日期:2021-07-08   阅读次数:


张猛 男,1966年4月出生,博士生导师、教授。





1983-1987 西北农业大学园艺系,大学本科,获学士学位;

1989-1992 西北农业大学园艺系,硕士研究生,获硕士学位;

1997-2001 西北农林科技大学园艺学院,博士研究生,获博士学位。


1987-1989 陕西省农垦科教中心,从事育种工作,助理农艺师;

1992-2001 西北农林科技大学园艺学院,从事育种及教学工作,讲师、副教授;

2001-2005 以色列国家农业研究中心( Agricultural Research Organization Volcani Center,Israel)植物科学研究所,从事脂类与植物抗逆研究;

2006-2008 加拿大国家研究院(National Research Council of Canada)植物生物技术研究所,从事植物脂类代谢研究;

2008-2010 美国密歇根州立大学(Michigan State University)植物系,从事植物脂类代谢与能源植物研究;

2010年底-今 西北农林科技大学农学院 从事教学与科研工作。



植物油脂是人类的主要营养物质,也是重要的化工原料。我们研究的目标主要集中在油料作物含油量的分子改良和特种脂肪酸的合成积累这两个方面。采用拟南芥作为油料作物的模式植物,通过研究其种子油脂合成代谢相关酶及调节因子等分子机理,利用基因工程手段实现油菜、大豆和亚麻荠等油料作物含油量及脂肪酸组成的改良;利用我国植物种类丰富和多样的脂肪酸种类,研究其控制特种脂肪酸合成的机理,利用这些基因资源,在高产的油料作物中合成和积累具有工业高利用价值的脂肪酸。先后主持的主要科研项目:1)国家自然科学基金“转录因子FUSCA3在不饱和三酰甘油积累中的功能分析”;2)陕西省国际合作重点项目“新型耐旱油料作物亚麻荠种质资源引进与评价”;3)陕西省科技统筹创新工程重点项目“高油高产优质杂交油菜新品种选育”(子课题); 4)唐仲英基因育种专项“特殊脂肪酸相关基因的克隆及在油料作物中的应用”。


Changsheng Li,Xiaojun Cheng,Qingli Jia,Huan Song, Xiangliu Liu, Kai Wang, Cuizhu Zhao, John Ohlrogge, Meng Zhang*, 2017. Investigation of plant species with identified seed oil fatty acids in Chinese literature and analysis of five unsurveyed Chinese endemic species,Frontiers in Plant Science, 2.22,8:224

Chenhao Gao, Shuanghui Qi, Kaige Liu, Dong Li, Changyu Jin, Shaowei Duan, Meng Zhang, Mingxun Chen*, 2017. Functional characterization of Brassica napus DNA topoisomerase Iα-1 and its effect on flowering time when expressed in Arabidopsis thaliana. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 486(1):124-129.

Dong Li, Changyu Jin, Shaowei Duan,Shaowei Duan, Yana Zhu, Shuanghui Qi, Kaige Liu, Chenhao Gao, Haoli Ma, Meng Zhang, Yuncheng Liao, Mingxun Chen*,2017. MYB89 Transcription factor represses seed oil accumulation,Plant Physiology,173:1211~1225

Meng Zhang*, Xia Cao, Qingli Jia and John Ohlrogge, 2016. FUSCA3 activates triacylglycerol accumulation in Arabidopsis seedlings and tobaccoBY2 cells. The Plant Journal. 88(1):95-107.

Chenhao Gao, Shuanghui Qi, Kaige Liu, Dong Li, Changyu Jin,Zhuowei Li, Gengqing Huang, Jiangbo Hai, Meng Zhang, Mingxun Chen *,2016. MYC2,MYC3, and MYC4 function redundantly in seed storage protein accumulation in Arabidopsis,Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 108:63~70

Yue Shen, Qing-Li Jia, Ming-Zhe Liu, Zhuo-Wei Li, Li-Li Wang, Cui-Zhu Zhao, Zhi-Xi Li and Meng Zhang *, 2016, Genome-wide characterization and phylogenetic and expression analyses of the caleosin gene family in soybean, common bean and barrel medic. Archives of Biological Sciences, 68 (00):48-48.

Yue Shen, Mingzhe Liu, Lili Wang, Zhuowei Li, Taylor David and Meng Zhang*, 2016, Identification, duplication, evolution and expression analyses of caleosins in Brassica plants and Arabidopsis subspecies. Mol Genet Genomics. 291(2):971-88.

Harrie van Erp, Jay Shockey, Meng Zhang, Neil D. Adhikari, and John Browse, 2015. Reducing Isozyme Competition Increases Target Fatty Acid Accumulation in Seed Triacylglycerols of Transgenic Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology. 168(1):36-46.

Kathleen McGlew,Vincent Shaw, Meng Zhang, Ryeo Jin Kim, Weili Yang, Basil Shorrosh, Mi Chung Suh and John Ohlrogge, 2014, An annotated database of Arabidopsis mutants of acyl lipid metabolism. Plant Cell Reports. 34(4):519-32.

Yue Shen, Jun Xie, Rui-dan Liu, Xue-feng Ni, Xue-hao Wang, Zhi-xi Li, Meng Zhang*, 2014, Genomic analysis and expression investigation of caleosin gene family in Arabidopsis. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 448:365-371.

Jingyu Xu, Anders S Carlsson, Tammy Francis, Meng Zhang, Travis Hoffman, Michael E Giblin and David C Taylor, 2012, Triacylglycerol synthesis by PDAT1 in the absence of DGAT1 activity is dependent on re-acylation of LPC by LPCAT2. BMC Plant Biology. 12(4):1471-2229.

Meng Zhang, Jilian Fan, David C. Taylor, and John B. Ohlrogge, 2009, DGAT1 and PDAT1 acyltransferases have overlapping functions in Arabidopsis triacylglycerol biosynthesis and are essential for normal pollen and seed development. The Plant Cell. 21: 3885-3901. (SCI 高引用论文)

Meng Zhang, Yan Zhang, Michael E.Giblin, and David C. Taylor, 2009, Ectopic Expression of Arabidopsis Phospholipase A Genes Elucidates Role of Phospholipase Bs in S.cerevisiae Cells. Open Microbiol Journal. 3:136-145.

Jinyu Xu, Tammy Francis, Elzbieta Mietkiewska, E. Michael Giblin, Dennis L. Barton, Yan Zhang, Meng Zhang, and David C.Taylor, 2008, Cloning and characterization of an acyl-CoA-dependent diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1 (DGAT1) gene from Tropaeolum majus, and a study of the functional motifs of the DGAT protein using site-directed mutagenesis to modify enzyme activity and oil content. Plant Biotechnol Joural. 6(8):799-818.

Meng Zhang, Rivka Barg, Minan Yin, Yardena Gueta-dahan, Yehiam Salts, Sara Shabtai and Gozal Ben-Hayyim,2005, Modulated fatty acid via over-expression of two distinct ω-3 desaturase differentially alters tolerance to various abiotic stress in tobacco cells and plants. The Plant Journal. 44(3):361-71.



