于澄宇(1973.10—),陕西岐山人,副研究员,硕士生导师。从事油菜遗传育种研究工作22年。2009年获西北农林科技大学作物遗传育种专业博士学位。2003年获西北农林科技大学生化与分子生物学专业硕士学位。1997年获西北农业大学土壤与植物营养专业学士学位。2014年9月-2015年7月在加拿大曼尼托巴大学植物科学系Genyi Li教授实验室公派研修。2005年曾赴捷克Crop Research Institute, Prague研修。入选教育部2010年“新世纪优秀人才”、2006年西北农林科技大学“青年科研骨干”。
3. 教学工作及人才培养
近年来在油菜杂种优势利用原理与方法、籽粒颜色性状遗传和生理、特异种质资源的创制方面取得进展:(1)率先验证抑制乙酰乳酸合成酶(Acetolactate Synthase)活性可以诱导植物雄性不育,筛选出多种适于芸苔属、禾本科植物的新型、超高效化学杂交剂如Tribenuron、Amidosulfuron、Imazethapyr等;(2)发现了油菜新型温敏、光温敏雄性不育系TMS SP2S和RTMS Huiyou50S等;(3)黄籽免脱色、高油油菜的遗传及透明种皮基因克隆研究;(4)高亚麻酸油菜种质R8Q10等的创制,最高含量可达20.46%,比普通油菜9%翻了1倍;(5)白花埃塞俄比亚芥Brassica c arinata ×B. napus 油菜杂交,将抗白粉病、抗旱等性状成功导入油菜;(6)创制非致死温敏黄化叶突变体、黄白双色花瓣隐性核不育油菜991S、无花瓣芥菜型油菜、多室角果芥菜型油菜、高抗菌核病、早熟多分枝等特异资源;(7)发表学术论文40余篇(15篇SCI及EI),获授权发明专利8项,育成抗病、抗倒伏、高产杂交油菜新品种西油1号、2号、3号、8号等。
(1) Lian Jing-long, Ren Li-Suo, Zhang Cong, Yu* Cheng-Yu, Huang Zhen, Xu Ai-Xia and Dong Jun-Gang. How exposure to ALS-inhibiting gametocide tribenuron-methyl induces male sterility in rapeseed. BMC Plant Biology 2019, 19:124 (Q1,IF="3.93)
(2) Liu XQ, Yu CY*, Dong JG, Hu SW, Xu AX. Acetolactate synthase-inhibiting gametocide amidosulfuron causes chloroplast destruction, tissue autophagy, and elevation of ethylene release in rapeseed. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2017,8:1625. (Q1,IF="4.291)
(3) Liu XQ, Liu ZQ, Yu CY*, Dong JG, Hu SW, Xu AX. TGMS in rapeseed (Brassica napus ) resulted in aberrant transcriptional regulation, asynchronous microsporocyte meiosis, defective tapetum, and fused sexine. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2017,8:1268. (Q1,IF="4.291))
(4) Yu CY*, Dong JG, Hu SW, Xu AX. Exposure to trace amounts of sulfonylurea herbicide tribenuron-methyl causes male sterility in 17 species or subspecies of cruciferous plants. BMC Plant Biology,2017,17:95. (Q1,IF="3.964)
(5) Liu XQ, Yu CY*, Dong JG, Xu AX, Hu SW. De novo transcriptome reconstruction of a thermo-sensitive male sterility mutant in rapeseed (Brassica napus ). Applications in Plant Sciences 2017,5(12): 1700077 (Q2,IF="1.492)
(6) Zhang J, Liu Z, Liu X, Dong J, Pang H, Yu C*. Proteomic alteration of a thermo-sensitive male sterility SP2S in rapeseed (Brassica napus ) in response to mild temperature stress. Plant Breeding, 2016,135(2):191-199 (Q2,IF="1.598)
(7) Yu C*, Xu X, Ge J, Guo Y, Dong J, Dong Z. Premature breakdown of tapetum associated with reverse thermo-sensitive genic male-sterile line Huiyou50S in rapeseed (Brassica napus ). Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2016, 38(2):1-10. DOI: 10.1007/s11738-015-2039-9 (Q2, IF="1.563)
(8) Yu C, Guo Y, Ge J, Hu Y, Dong J, Dong Z. Characterization of a new temperature sensitive male sterile line SP2S in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). Euphytica, 2015,206 (2) :473-485 (Q1, IF="1.618)
(9) Yu Chengyu. Molecular mechanism of manipulating seed coat coloration in oilseed Brassica species. Journal of Applied Genetics, 2013,54(2):135-145 (Q4,IF="1.847)
(10) Yu CY, Dong JG, Hu SW, He PR. Efficiency of a novel gametocide amidosulfuron on rapeseed (Brassica napus ). Plant Breeding, 2009, ,128(5):538-540(IF="1.28)
(11) Yu C, Hu S, He P, Sun G, Zhang C, Yu Y. Inducing male sterility in Brassica napus L. by a sulfonylurea herbicide, tribenuron-methyl. Plant Breeding, 2006, 125(1):61-64(IF="0.941)
(12) Yu CY, Hu SW*, Zhao HX, Guo AG, Sun GL. Genetic distances revealed by morphological characters, isozymes, proteins and RAPD markers and their relationships with hybrid performance in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Theoretical & Applied Genetics, 2005,110(3):511-518 (IF="2.981)
(13) Hu SW, Yu CY, Zhao HX, et al. Genetic Diversity of Brassica napus germplasm from China and Europe assessed by some agronomically important characters. Euphytica, 2007, 154:9-16
(14) Hu SW, Fan YF, Zhao HX, Guo XL, Yu CY, Sun GL, Liu SY, Wang HZ* Analysis of MS2Bnap genomic DNA homologous to MS2 gene from Arabidopsis thaliana in two dominant digenic male sterile accessions of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Theoretical & Applied Genetics, 2006,113:397-406
(15) Yu C, Vyvadilova M. Leisova L, Ovesna J,Kucera V, Hu S, Dotlacil L. Assessment of genetic diversity of yellow-seeded rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) accessions by AFLP markers. Czech Journal of Genetics & Plant Breeding, 2007,43(3): 105–112
(16) 于澄宇,何蓓如. 氨基酸合成抑制剂类除草剂诱导油菜雄性不育效果评价. 作物学报 2014, 40(2): 264−272
(17) 李晓荣,张菁雯,赵燕妮,徐献锋,胡玉梅,于澄宇*. 油菜品种及高油育种材料遗传多样性SSR分析. 西北植物学报,2015,35(2):258-268.
(18) 胡玉梅,徐献锋,于澄宇等.甘蓝型油菜温敏核不育系SP2S小孢子释放过程相关基因的表达分析.华北农学报2014, 29(2): 38-44
(19) 徐献锋,胡玉梅,于澄宇等.甘蓝型油菜反型温敏核不育Huiyou50S的生理特征及遗传分析.华北农学报2014, 29(3): 147-152
(20) 葛娟,郭英芬,于澄宇*, 张国云, 董军刚, 董振生*. 甘蓝型油菜光、温敏雄性不育系Huiyou50S花粉败育的细胞学观察.作物学报,2012, 38(3): 541~548
(21) 郭英芬, 葛娟, 于澄宇*, 张国云, 董军刚, 董振生*. 新型甘蓝型油菜温敏核不育系SP2S的花药发育解剖学观察.植物生理学报,2012,48(3):282~288
(22) 于澄宇,胡胜武,张春宏, 俞延军, 何蓓如. 化学杂交剂EXP对油菜的杀雄效果. 作物学报,2005,31(11):1455-1459
(1) 于澄宇.一种油菜光周期敏感细胞核雄性不育系的选育方法及应用.ZL201010155044.3(2012.6.6授权)
(2) 于澄宇,胡胜武,何蓓如.光、温敏核不育油菜在冬油菜区生产两系杂交油菜的制种方法. ZL2010101288925(2012.1.18授权)
(3) 于澄宇,董军刚,何蓓如,胡胜武.一种化学杀雄杂交植物去杂保纯的方法. ZL200910023162.6 (2011.11.9授权)
(4) 于澄宇,胡胜武.一种双重授粉控制系统生产高纯度杂交油菜杂交种的制种方法. ZL201010128897.8(2011.11.30授权)
(5) 于澄宇,胡胜武.带有自交不亲和特性的油菜环境敏感核不育系的选育及应用. ZL200910023163.0(2011.8.31授权)
(6) 于澄宇,胡胜武.化合物(RS)-5-乙基-2-(4-异丙基-4-甲基-5-氧代-2-咪唑啉-2-基)烟酸及其铵盐用于作为植物化学杂交剂的应用. ZL200810231884.6 (2011.7.20授权)
(7) 于澄宇等. 一种甘蓝型油菜双重不育系的选育方法. ZL200810231885.0(2010授权)
(8) 于澄宇等. 一种化合物用于制备芸薹属植物化学杂交剂的应用. ZL200610042886.1(2007授权)
(9) 于澄宇,练景龙,任莉锁,弓琼,董军刚,黄镇,徐爱遐. 一种高亚麻酸油菜供体及其应用. CN 201811207490.7.
(1) 西油1号,登记号GPD油菜(2019)610113,长江下游及陕南
(2) 西油2号,登记号GPD油菜(2018)610107,黄淮区
(3) 西油3号,登记号GPD油菜(2018)610128,黄淮区
(1) Yu C. Proteomic analysis of temperature sensitive male sterility SP2S in rapeseed. 14th GCIRC Rapeseed Congress. Saskatoon, Canada, 2015, 8 July.
(2) Yu C. Genetic classification and diversity of yellow-seeded rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) accessions. 14th GCIRC Rapeseed Congress. Saskatoon, Canada, 2015, 8 July.
通讯地址:陕西杨凌邰城路3号 西北农林科技大学农学院植科系
Email: yu1009@nwafu.edu.cn