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发布日期:2021-07-07   阅读次数:

1. 基本信息


2. 研究方向

研究方向为生殖生物学和干细胞生物学。主要从事雄性生殖相关基础和转化研究,重点研究精子发生和精原干细胞。现主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、中国博士后科学基金面上项目、陕西省自然科学基础研究计划青年项目等,入选“陕西省高校科协青年人才托举计划”。以(含共同)第一或通讯作者在领域主流期刊如 Human   Reproduction   Update 、 Journal   of Biological Chemistry 、 Journal   of Animal Science and Biotechnology 、 Molecular   Human   Reproduction 、 Reproduction 、 Fr  ontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 等发表SCI论文14篇。现为欧洲人类生殖与胚胎学学会(ESHRE)会员、国际生殖研究学会(SSR)会员、中国细胞生物学学会会员, Theriogenology 、 Reproduction Fertility and Development 等生殖生物学专业期刊审稿人。

3. 开设课程


4. 主持项目

(1) 国家自然科学基金青年项目(32002178):LncRNA-106504875介导ZBTB16调控猪精原干细胞自我更新的分子机制,2021.01-2023.12,24万元,主持

(2) 陕西省引进国外博士专项(F2020221006):猪精子发生过程中基因组三维结构的动态变化,2021.01-2023.12,22.5万元,主持

(3) 中国博士后科学基金面上项目一等资助(2018M641032):SMC5/6复合物在精原干细胞增殖与分化中的作用及其机制,2019.01-2020.12,8万元,主持

(4) 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划青年项目(2019JQ-430):SMC5/6复合物维持小鼠精原干细胞基因组稳定性的机制研究,2019.01-2020.12,3万元,主持

(5) 陕西省高校科协青年人才托举计划项目(20180204):猪精原干细胞增殖与分化关键基因和分子标记的筛选,2019.01-2020.12,1万元,主持

(6) 畜禽遗传资源发掘与创新利用四川省重点实验室开放课题(SNDK-KF-201804):猪精子发生过程中基因组三维结构的动态变化,2019.01-2020.12,3万元,主持

(7) 西北农林科技大学博士科研启动基金(2452018037):猪精子发生过程中转录组和染色质动态变化分析,2018.04-2021.02,20万元,主持

5. 代表性论文(第一/通讯作者)

(1)Callista L Mulder#, Yi Zheng#, Sabrina Z Jan, Robert B Struijk, Sjoerd Repping, Geert Hamer, Ans M M van Pelt. Spermatogonial stem cell autotransplantation and germline genomic editing: a future cure for spermatogenic failure and prevention of transmission of genomic diseases.  Human Reproduction Update . 2016, 22(5): 561-73. (#共同一作,IF="12.684,中科院1区,Top期刊)

(2)Yinghua Lv, Tianjiao Li, Manman Yang, Lihong Su, Zhendong Zhu, Sihang Zhao, Wenxian Zeng, Yi Zheng*. Melatonin attenuates chromium (VI)-induced spermatogonial stem cell/progenitor mitophagy by restoration of METTL3-mediated RNA N6-methyladenosine modification.  Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology . 2021, 9: 684398. (*通讯作者,IF="5.186,中科院2区)

(3)Xiaoxu Chen#, Yi Zheng#*, Anmin Lei#, Hanxue Zhang, Huimin Niu, Xueliang Li, Pengfei Zhang, Mingzhi Liao, Yinghua Lv, Zhendong Zhu, Chuanying Pan, Wuzi Dong, Hong Chen, De Wu, Wansheng Liu, Geert Hamer, Shenming Zeng*, Wenxian Zeng*. Early cleavage of preimplantation embryos is regulated by tRNAGln-TTG-derived small RNAs present in mature spermatozoa.  Journal of Biological Chemistry . 2020, 295(32): 10885-900. (#*共同一作/通讯,IF=4.238,中科院2区,Top期刊、自然指数期刊)

(4)Yi Zheng, Tongying Feng, Pengfei Zhang, Peipei Lei, Fuyuan Li, Wenxian Zeng. Establishment of cell lines with porcine spermatogonial stem cell properties.  Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology . 2020, 11: 33. (IF="4.167,中科院1区,Top期刊)

(5)Pengfei Zhang#, Yi Zheng#*, Yinghua Lv, Fuyuan Li, Lihong Su, Yuwei Qin, Wenxian Zeng*. Melatonin protects the mouse testis against heat-induced damage.  Molecular Human Reproduction . 2020, 26(2): 65-79. (#*共同一作/通讯,IF=3.636,中科院2区)

(6)Yi Zheng, Qijing Lei, Aldo Jongejan, Callista L Mulder, Saskia K M van Daalen, Sebastiaan Mastenbroek, Grace Hwang, Philip W Jordan, Sjoerd Repping, Geert Hamer. The influence of retinoic acid-induced differentiation on the radiation response of male germline stem cells.  DNA Repair . 2018, 70: 55-66. (IF="3.339,中科院2区)

(7)Yi Zheng, Aldo Jongejan, Callista L Mulder, Sebastiaan Mastenbroek, Sjoerd Repping, Yinghua Wang, Jinsong Li, Geert Hamer. Trivial role for NSMCE2 during in vitro proliferation and differentiation of male germline stem cells.  Reproduction . 2017, 154(3): 181-95. (IF="3.206)

(8)Yi Zheng, Yaqing Zhang, Rongfeng Qu, Ying He, Xiue Tian, Wenxian Zeng. Spermatogonial stem cells from domestic animals: progress and prospects.  Reproduction . 2014, 147(3): R65-74. (IF="3.206)

6. 联系方式


